Issue: Ineffective peeled/remainder loop(s) present

All or some source loop iterations are not executing in the loop body. Improve performance by moving source loop iterations from peeled/ remainder loops to the loop body.

Recommendation: Specify the expected loop trip count

Recommendation: Specify the expected loop trip count Confidence: %level%

The compiler cannot statically detect the trip count. To fix: Identify the expected number of iterations using a directive: !DIR$ LOOP COUNT.

Example: Iterate through a loop a minimum of three, maximum of ten, and average of five times:

!DIR$ LOOP COUNT (10000)
  do i =1, m
    b(i) = a(i) + 1
    d(i) = c(i) + 1

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Recommendation: Disable unrolling

Recommendation: Disable unrolling Confidence: %level%

The trip count after loop unrolling is too small compared to the vector length. To fix: Prevent loop unrolling or decrease the unroll factor using a directive: !DIR$ NOUNROLL or !DIR$ UNROLL.

Example: Disable automatic loop unrolling using !DIR$ SIMD NOUNROLL

  do i =1, m
    b(i) = a(i) + 1
    d(i) = c(i) + 1

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Recommendation: Use a smaller vector length

Recommendation: Use a smaller vector length Confidence: %level%

The compiler chose a vector length, but the trip count might be smaller than that vector length. To fix: Specify a smaller vector length using a directive: !DIR$ SIMD VECTORLENGTH.

Example: Specify vector length using !DIR$ SIMD VECTORLENGTH(4)

  do i =1, m
    b(i) = a(i) + 1
    d(i) = c(i) + 1

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Recommendation: Align data

Recommendation: Align data Confidence: %level%

One of the memory accesses in the source loop does not start at an optimally aligned address boundary. To fix: Align the data and tell the compiler the data is aligned. To align data, use __declspec(align()) . To tell the compiler the data is aligned, use __assume_aligned() before the source loop.

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Recommendation: Add data padding

Recommendation: Add data padding Confidence: %level%

The trip count is not a multiple of vector length. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • Increase the size of objects and add iterations so the trip count is a multiple of vector length.
  • Increase the size of static and automatic objects, and use a compiler option to add data padding.

Windows* OS

Linux* OS



Note: These compiler options apply only to Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture). Option -qopt-assume-safe-padding is the replacement compiler option for-opt-assume-safe-padding, which is deprecated.

When you use one of these compiler options, the compiler does not add any padding for static and automatic objects. Instead, it assumes that code can access up to 64 bytes beyond the end of the object, wherever the object appears in your application. To satisfy this assumption, you must increase the size of static and automatic objects in your application.

Optional: Specify the trip count, if it is not constant, using a directive: !DIR$ LOOP COUNT

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Recommendation: Collect trip counts data

Recommendation: Collect trip counts data Confidence: %level%

The Survey Report lacks trip counts data that might generate more precise recommendations. To fix: Run a Trip Counts analysis.

Recommendation: Force vectorized remainder

Recommendation: Force vectorized remainder Confidence: %level%

The compiler did not vectorize the remainder loop, even though doing so could improve performance. To fix: Force vectorization using a directive: !DIR$ SIMD VECREMAINDER or !DIR$ VECTOR VECREMAINDER.

Example: Force the compiler to vectorize the remainder loop using #pragma simd vecremainder
subroutine add(A, N, X)
   integer N, X
   real    A(N)
   do i=x+1, n
      a(i) = a(i) + a(i-x)

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Issue: Data type conversions present

There are multiple data types within loops. Utilize hardware vectorization support more effectively by avoiding data type conversion.

Recommendation: Use the smallest data type

Recommendation: Use the smallest data type Confidence: %level%

The source loop contains data types of different widths. To fix: Use the smallest data type that gives the needed precision to use the entire vector register width.

Example: If only 16-bits are needed, using a short rather than an int can make the difference between eight-way or four-way SIMD parallelism, respectively.

Issue: User function call(s) present

User-defined functions in the loop body are preventing the compiler from vectorizing the loop

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion Confidence: %level%

Inlining of user-defined functions is disabled by compiler option. To fix: When using the Ob or inline-level compiler option to control inline expansion, replace the 0 argument with the 1 argument to enable inlining when an inline keyword or attribute is specified or the 2 argument to enable inlining of any function at compiler discretion.

Windows* OS

Linux* OS

/Ob1 or /Ob2

-inline-level=1 or -inline-level=2

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Recommendation: Vectorize user function(s) inside loop

Recommendation: Vectorize user function(s) inside loop Confidence: %level%

Some user-defined function(s) are not vectorized or inlined by the compiler. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • Enforce vectorization of the source loop by means of SIMD instructions and/or create a SIMD version of the function(s) using a directive:



    Source loop

    !DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD

    Inner function definition or declaration


  • If using the Ob or inline-level compiler option to control inline expansion with the 1 argument, use an inline keyword to enable inlining or replace the 1 argument with 2 to enable inlining of any function at compiler discretion.


real function f (x)
    real, intent(in), value  :: x
    f= x + 1
  end function f

  do k = 1, N
     a(k) = f(k)

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Recommendation: Convert to Fortran SIMD-enabled functions

Convert to Fortran SIMD-enabled functions Confidence: %level%

Passing an array/array recommendation to an ELEMENTAL function/subroutine is creating a dependency that prevents vectorization. To fix:

  • Enforce vectorization of the source loop using SIMD instructions and/or create a SIMD version of the function(s) using a directive:

    Target Directive
    Source loop !DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD
    Inner function definition or declaration !$OMP DECLARE SIMD

  • Call from a DO loop.


Original code:

elemental subroutine callee(t,q,r) 
    real, intent(in) :: t, q 
    real, intent(out) :: r 
    r = t + q 
  end subroutine callee  
  do k = 1,nlev 
    call callee(a(:,k), b(:,k), c(:,k))
  end do 

Revised code:

 subroutine callee(t,q,r) 
  !$OMP DECLARE SIMD(callee) 
    real, intent(in) :: t, q 
    real, intent(out) :: r 
    r = t + q 
  end subroutine callee  
  do k = 1,nlev 
    !$OMP SIMD 
    do i = 1,n 
      call callee(a(i,k), b(i,k), c(i,k)) 
    end do 
  end do 

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Issue: Serialized user function call(s) present

User-defined functions in the loop body are not vectorized.

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion Confidence: %level%

Inlining of user-defined functions is disabled by compiler option. To fix: When using the Ob or inline-level compiler option to control inline expansion, replace the 0 argument with the 1 argument to enable inlining when an inline keyword or attribute is specified or the 2 argument to enable inlining of any function at compiler discretion.

Windows* OS Linux* OS
/Ob1 or /Ob2 -inline-level=1 or -inline-level=2

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Recommendation: Vectorize serialized function(s) inside loop

Recommendation: Vectorize serialized function(s) inside loop Confidence: %level%

Some user-defined function(s) are not vectorized or inlined by the compiler. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • Enforce vectorization of the source loop by means of SIMD instructions and/or create a SIMD version of the function(s) using a directive:

    Target Directive
    Source loop !DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD
    Inner function definition or declaration !$OMP DECLARE SIMD

  • If using the Ob or inline-level compiler option to control inline expansion with the 1 argument, use an inline keyword to enable inlining or replace the 1 argument with 2 to enable inlining of any function at compiler discretion.


real function f (x)
    real, intent(in), value  :: x
    f= x + 1
  end function f

  do k = 1, N
     a(k) = f(k)

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Issue: Scalar math function call(s) present

Math functions in the loop body are preventing the compiler from effectively vectorizing the loop. Improve performance by enabling vectorized math call(s).

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion

Recommendation: Enable inline expansion Confidence: %level%

Inlining is disabled by compiler option. To fix: When using the Ob or inline-level compiler option to control inline expansion, replace the 0 argument with the 1 argument to enable inlining when an inline keyword or attribute is specified or the 2 argument to enable inlining of any function at compiler discretion.

Windows* OS Linux* OS
/Ob1 or /Ob2 -inline-level=1 or -inline-level=2

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Recommendation: Use the Intel short vector math library for vector intrinsics

Recommendation: Use the Intel short vector math library for vector intrinsics Confidence: %level%

Your application calls scalar instead of vectorized versions of math functions. To fix: Do all of the following:

  • Use the -mveclibabi=svml compiler option to specify the Intel short vector math library ABI type for vector instrinsics.
  • Use the -ftree-vectorize and -funsafe-math-optimizations compiler options to enable vector math functions.
  • Use the -L/path/to/intel/lib and -lsvml compiler options to specify an SVML ABI-compatible library at link time.


gfortran PROGRAM.FOR -O2 -ftree-vectorize -funsafe-math-optimizations -mveclibabi=svml -L/opt/intel/lib/intel64 -lm -lsvml -Wl,-rpath=/opt/intel/lib/intel64

program main
parameter (N=100000000)
real*8 angles(N), results(N)
integer i
call srand(86456)

  do i=1,N
     angles(i) = rand()

! the loop will be auto-vectorized
  do i=1,N
     results(i) = cos(angles(i))


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Recommendation: Use a Glibc library with vectorized SVML functions

Recommendation: Use a Glibc library with vectorized SVML functions Confidence: %level%

Your application calls scalar instead of vectorized versions of math functions. To fix: Do all of the following:

  • Upgrade the Glibc library to version 2.22 or higher. It supports SIMD directives in OpenMP* 4.0 or higher.
  • Upgrade the GNU* gcc compiler to version 4.9 or higher. It supports vectorized math function options.
  • Use the -fopenmp and -ffast-math compiler options to enable vector math functions.
  • Use appropriate OpenMP SIMD directives to enable vectorization.

Note : Also use the -I/path/to/glibc/install/include and -L/path/to/glibc/install/lib compiler options if you have multiple Glibc libraries installed on the host.


gfortran PROGRAM.FOR -O2 -fopenmp -ffast-math -lrt -lm -mavx2

program main
parameter (N=100000000)
real*8 angles(N), results(N)
integer i
call srand(86456)

  do i=1,N
     angles(i) = rand()

  do i=1,N
     results(i) = cos(angles(i))


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Recommendation: Vectorize math function calls inside loops

Recommendation: Vectorize math function calls inside loops Confidence: %level%

Your application calls serialized versions of math functions when you use the precise floating point model. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • Add fast-transcendentals compiler option to replace calls to transcendental functions with faster calls.

    Windows* OS Linux* OS
    /Qfast-transcendentals -fast-transcendentals

    CAUTION: This may reduce floating point accuracy.

  • Enforce vectorization of the source loop using a directive: !DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD


subroutine add(A, N, X)
   integer N, X
   real    A(N)
   do i=x+1, n
      a(i) = a(i) + a(i-x)

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Recommendation: Change the floating point model

Recommendation: Change the floating point model Confidence: %level%

Your application calls serialized versions of math functions when you use the strict floating point model. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • Use the fast floating point model to enable more aggressive optimizations or the precise floating point model to disable optimizations that are not value-safe on fast transcendental functions.

    Windows* OS Linux* OS
    /fp:fast -fp-model fast
    /fp:precise /Qfast-transcendentals -fp-model precise -fast-transcendentals

    CAUTION: This may reduce floating point accuracy.

  • Use the precise floating point model and enforce vectorization of the source loop using a directive: !DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD


gfortran program.for -O2 -fopenmp -fp-model precise -fast-transcendentals

do i = 1, N
  a(i) = b(i) * c(i)
  do j = 1, N
    d(j) = e(j) * f(j)

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Issue: System function call(s) present

System function call(s) in the loop body are preventing the compiler from vectorizing the loop.

Recommendation: Remove system function call(s) inside loop

Recommendation: Remove system function call(s) inside loop Confidence: %level%

Typically system function or subroutine calls cannot be vectorized; even a print statement is sufficient to prevent vectorization. To fix: Avoid using system function calls in loops.

Issue: OpenMP function call(s) present

OpenMP* function call(s) in the loop body are preventing the compiler from effectively vectorizing the loop.

Recommendation: Move OpenMP call(s) outside the loop body

Recommendation: Move OpenMP call(s) outside the loop body Confidence: %level%

OpenMP calls prevent automatic vectorization when the compiler cannot move the calls outside the loop body, such as when OpenMP calls are not invariant. To fix:

  1. Split the OpenMP parallel loop recommendation into two using directives.

    Target Directive
    Outer recommendation !$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS
    Inner recommendation !$OMP DO NOWAIT

  2. Move the OpenMP calls outside the loop when possible.


Original code:

!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(tid, nthreads)
do k = 1, N
   tid = omp_get_thread_num() ! this call inside loop prevents vectorization
   nthreads = omp_get_num_threads() ! this call inside loop prevents vectorization

Revised code:

!$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(tid, nthreads)
   ! Move OpenMP calls here
   tid = omp_get_thread_num()
   nthreads = omp_get_num_threads()

   do k = 1, N

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Recommendation: Remove OpenMP lock functions

Recommendation: Remove OpenMP lock functions Confidence: %level%

Locking objects slows loop execution. To fix: Rewrite the code without OpenMP lock functions. For example, allocating separate arrays for each thread and then merging them after a parallel recommendation may improve speed (but consume more memory).

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Issue: Indirect function call(s) present

Indirect function call(s) in the loop body are preventing the compiler from vectorizing the loop. Indirect calls, sometimes called indirect jumps, get the callee address from a register or memory; direct calls get the callee address from an argument. Even if you force loop vectorization, indirect calls remain serialized.

Recommendation: Remove indirect call(s) inside loop

Recommendation: Remove indirect call(s) inside loop Confidence: %level%

Indirect function or subroutine calls cannot be vectorized. To fix: Avoid using indirect calls in loops.

Recommendation: Improve branch prediction

Recommendation: Improve branch prediction Confidence: %level%

For 64-bit applications, branch prediction performance can be negatively impacted when the branch target is more than 4 GB away from the branch. This is more likely to happen when the application is split into shared libraries. To fix: Do the following:

  • Upgrade the Glibc library to version 2.23 or higher.
  • Set environment variable export LD_PREFER_MAP_32BIT_EXEC=1.

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Issue: Assumed dependency present

The compiler assumed there is an anti-dependency (Write after read - WAR) or a true dependency (Read after write - RAW) in the loop. Improve performance by investigating the assumption and handling accordingly.

Recommendation: Confirm dependency is real

Recommendation: Confirm dependency is real Confidence: %level%

There is no confirmation that a real (proven) dependency is present in the loop. To confirm: Run a Dependencies analysis.

Recommendation: Resolve dependency

Recommendation: Resolve dependency Confidence: %level%

The Dependencies analysis shows there is a real (proven) dependency in the loop. To fix: Do one of the following:

  • If there is an anti-dependency, enable vectorization using the directive !$OMP SIMD SAFELEN(length) , where length is smaller than the distance between dependent iterations in anti-dependency. For example:

      do i = 1, N-4, 4
         a(i+4) = b(i) * c

  • If there is a reduction pattern dependency in the loop, enable vectorization using the directive !$OMP SIMD REDUCTION(operator:list). For example:

      do k = 1, size2
         sumx = sumx + x(k) * b(k)

  • Rewrite the code to remove the dependency. Use programming techniques such as variable privatization.

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Recommendation: Enable vectorization

Recommendation: Enable vectorization Confidence: %level%

The Dependencies analysis shows there is no real dependency in the loop for the given workload. Tell the compiler it is safe to vectorize using the restrict keyword or a directive:

Directive Outcome
!DIR$ SIMD or !$OMP SIMD Ignores all dependencies in the loop
!DIR$ IVDEP Ignores only vector dependencies (which is safest)


  do i = 1, N-4, 4
     a(i+4) = b(i) * c

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Issue: Vector register spilling possible

Possible register spilling was detected and all vector registers are in use. This may negatively impact performance, because the spilled variable must be loaded to and unloaded from main memory. Improve performance by decreasing vector register pressure.

Recommendation: Decrease unroll factor

Recommendation: Decrease unroll factor Confidence: %level%

The current directive unroll factor increases vector register pressure. To fix: Decrease unroll factor using a directive: !DIR$ NOUNROLL or !DIR$ UNROLL.


  do i =1, m
    b(i) = a(i) + 1
    d(i) = c(i) + 1

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Recommendation: Split loop into smaller loops

Recommendation: Split loop into smaller loops Confidence: %level%

Possible register spilling along with high vector register pressure is preventing effective vectorization. To fix: Use the directive !DIR$ DISTRIBUTE POINT or rewrite your code to distribute the source loop. This can decrease register pressure as well as enable software pipelining and improve both instruction and data cache use.


   do i =1, m
     b(i) = a(i) +1
     c(i) = a(i) + b(i) ! Compiler will decide
     ! where to distribute.
     ! Data dependencies are
     ! observed
     d(i) = c(i) + 1
   do i =1, m
     b(i) = a(i) +1
     call sub(a, n)! Distribution will start here,
     ! ignoring all loop-carried
     ! depedencies
     c(i) = a(i) + b(i)
     d(i) = c(i) + 1

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Issue: Possible inefficient memory access patterns present

Inefficient memory access patterns may result in significant vector code execution slowdown or block automatic vectorization by the compiler. Improve performance by investigating.

Recommendation: Confirm inefficient memory access patterns

Recommendation: Confirm inefficient memory access patterns Confidence: %level%

There is no confirmation inefficient memory access patterns are present. To confirm: Run a Memory Access Patterns analysis.

Issue: Inefficient memory access patterns present

There is a high of percentage memory instructions with irregular (variable or random) stride accesses. Improve performance by investigating and handling accordingly.

Recommendation: Use SoA instead of AoS

Recommendation: Use SoA instead of AoS Confidence: %level%

An array is the most common type of data structure containing a contiguous collection of data items that can be accessed by an ordinal index. You can organize this data as an array of structures (AoS) or as a structure of arrays (SoA). While AoS organization is excellent for encapsulation, it can hinder effective vector processing. To fix: Rewrite code to organize data using SoA instead of AoS.

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Recommendation: Use the Fortran 2008 CONTIGUOUS attribute

Recommendation: Use the Fortran 2008 CONTIGUOUS attribute Confidence: %level%

The loop is multi-versioned for unit and non-unit strides in assumed-shape arrays or pointers, but marked versions of the loop have unit stride access only. The CONTIGUOUS attribute specifies the target of a pointer or an assumed-shape array is contiguous. It can make it easier to enable optimizations that rely on the memory layout of an object occupying a contiguous block of memory. Note: The results are indeterminate and could result in wrong answers and segmentation faults if the user assertion is wrong and the data is not contiguous at runtime.


real, pointer, contiguous :: ptr(:) 
  real, contiguous :: arrayarg(:, :) 

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Recommendation: Reorder loops

Recommendation: Reorder loops Confidence: %level%

This loop has less efficient memory access patterns than a nearby outer loop. To fix: Run a Memory Access Patterns analysis on the outer loop. If the memory access patterns are more efficient for the outer loop, reorder the loops if possible.

Issue: Potential underutilization of FMA instructions

Your current hardware supports the AVX2 instruction set architecture (ISA), which enables the use of fused multiply-add (FMA) instructions. Improve performance by utilizing FMA instructions.

Recommendation: Target the AVX2 ISA

Recommendation: Target the AVX2 ISA Confidence: %level%

Although static analysis presumes the loop may benefit from FMA instructions available with the AVX2 ISA, no AVX2-specific code executed for this loop. To fix: Use the xCORE-AVX2 compiler option to generate AVX2-specific code, or the axCORE-AVX2 compiler option to enable multiple, feature-specific, auto-dispatch code generation, including AVX2.

Windows* OS Linux* OS

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Recommendation: Target a specific ISA instead of using the xHost option

Recommendation: Target a specific ISA instead of using the xHost option Confidence: %level%

Although static analysis presumes the loop may benefit from FMA instructions available with the AVX2 ISA, no AVX2-specific code executed for this loop. To fix: Instead of using the xHost compiler option, which limits optimization opportunities by the host ISA, use the axCORE-AVX2 compiler option to compile for machines with and without AVX2 support, or the xCORE-AVX2 compiler option to compile for machines with AVX2 support only.

Windows* OS Linux* OS

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Recommendation: Explicitly enable FMA generation when using the strict floating-point model

Recommendation: Explicitly enable FMA generation when using the strict floating-point model Confidence: %level%

Static analysis presumes the loop may benefit from FMA instructions available with the AVX2 ISA, but the strict floating-point model disables FMA instruction generation by default. To fix: Override this behavior using the fma compiler option.

Windows* OS Linux* OS
/Qfma -fma

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Recommendation: Force vectorization if possible

Recommendation: Force vectorization if possible Confidence: %level%

The loop contains FMA instructions (so vectorization could be beneficial) but is not vectorized. To fix: Review corresponding compiler diagnostics to check if vectorization enforcement is possible and profitable.

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Issue: Inefficient processing of SIMD-enabled functions possible

Vector declaration defaults for your SIMD-enabled functions may result in extra computations or ineffective memory access patterns. Improve performance by overriding defaults.

Recommendation: Target a specific processor type

Recommendation: Target a specific processor type Confidence: %level%

The default instruction set architecture (ISA) for SIMD-enabled functions is inefficient for your host processor because it could result in extra memory operations between registers. To fix: Add a PROCESSOR clause to your vector declaration. Specifically, add PROCESSOR(cpuid) to your !$OMP DECLARE SIMD directive.

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Recommendation: Specify the value of the underlying reference as linear

Recommendation: Specify the value of the underlying reference as linear Confidence: %level%

In Fortran applications, by default, scalar arguments are passed by reference. Therefore, in SIMD-enabled functions, arguments are passed as a short vector of addresses instead of a single address. The compiler then gathers data from the vector of addresses to create a short vector of values for use in subsequent vector arithmetic. This gather activity negatively impacts performance. To fix: Add a LINEAR clause with a REF modifier (introduced in OpenMP* 4.5) to your vector declaration. Specifically, add LINEAR (REF(linear-list[: linear-step])) to your !$OMP DECLARE SIMD directive.

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