Intel® C++ Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Specifies a vector variant function that corresponds to its original C/C++ scalar function. This vector variant function can be invoked under vector context at call sites.


Windows* OS:


Linux* OS:




Is the following:

implements clause, in the form implements (<function declarator>) [, <simd-clauses>]), where function declarator is the original scalar function, and simd-clauses is one or more of the clauses allowed for the vector attribute. The simd-clauses are optional.


This attribute provides a means for programmers to describe the association between the vector variant function and its corresponding scalar function. The compiler will use the vector variant to replace the scalar call for a vectorized loop.

The following are restrictions for this attribute:

If the user-defined vector variant function is a variant with mask, the mask argument should be the last argument.


The following shows an example of a vector variant function:

float MyAdd(float* a, int b) { return *a + b; }
__declspec(vector_variant(implements(MyAdd(float *a, int b)),       
                          linear(a), vectorlength(8),
                          nomask, processor(future_cpu_16)))
__m256 MyAddVec(float* v_a, __m128i v_b, __m128i v_b2) {
  __m256i t96 = _mm256_castsi128_si256(v_b);
  __m256i tmp = _mm256_insertf128_si256(t96, v_b2, 1);
  __m256  t95 = _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(tmp);
  return _mm256_add_ps(*((__m256*)v_a), t95);
float x[2000], y[2000];
float foo(float y[]) {
#pragma omp simd
  for (int k=0; k< 2000; k++) {
    x[k] = MyAdd(&y[k], k);
  return x[0] + x[1999];

See Also