Intel® C++ Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Using Property Pages

The Intel® C++ Compiler integration with Visual Studio* includes support for Property Pages to manage both Intel-specific and general compiler options.

To set compiler options in Visual Studio*:

  1. Right-click on a project or source file in the Solution Explorer view.
  2. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  3. in the Property Pages dialog box, expand the C/C++ section to view the categories of compiler options.
  4. Select a category, then change the compiler options on the corresponding Property Page in the right-hand pane. Some categories contain Intel-specific properties; these categories are marked with [ Intel C++ ]. For example, there is a both Code Generation and Code Generation [Intel C++] category. The latter contains properties specific to the Intel® C++ Compiler.
  5. Click OK to complete your selection.

The next time you build your project with the Intel® C++ compiler, the option you selected will be used in the compilation.

Context-sensitive Help

The Intel® C++ Compiler integration with Visual Studio* includes context-sensitive help. For example, pressing the F1 key after selecting Code Generation > Floating Point Model will display the Intel help topic for the fp option.

For most compiler options represented on the Property Pages, F1 Help connects to the Intel® compiler documentation.