Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Tells the compiler which type of run-time library to link to.


Linux and OS X:






Specifies the type of run-time library to link to. Possible values are:


Specifies a multithreaded, dynamic-link (DLL) library.


Specifies the Fortran QuickWin library.


Specifies the Fortran Standard Graphics library.



The compiler links to a multithreaded library.


This option tells the compiler which type of run-time library to link to.

This option is processed by the compiler, which adds directives to the compiled object file that are processed by the linker.

There are several types of libraries you can link to, depending on which compiler options you specify, as shown in the table below.

If you use the /libs:dll option and an unresolved reference is found in the DLL, it gets resolved when the program is executed, during program loading, reducing executable program size.

If you use the /libs:qwin or /libs:qwins option with the /dll option, the compiler issues a warning.

You cannot use the /libs:qwin option and options /libs:dll /threads.

The following table shows which options to specify for different run-time libraries:

Type of Library

Options Required

Alternate Option

Multithreaded static

/libs (or /threads)


Debug multithreaded static

/libs (or /threads)

and /dbglibs


Multithreaded DLLs



Multithreaded debug DLLs

/libs:dll and



Fortran QuickWin multi-doc applications



Fortran standard graphics (QuickWin single-doc) applications



Debug Fortran QuickWin multi-doc applications




Debug Fortran standard graphics (QuickWin single-doc) applications





This option adds directives to the compiled code, which the linker then reads without further input from the driver.


Starting with the 13.0 release of the Intel compilers, the Intel® OpenMP* library is provided in DLL form only.

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: Libraries > Runtime Library (/libs:{dll|qwin|qwins}, /threads, /dbglibs)

Eclipse: None

Xcode: None

Alternate Options


Linux and OS X: -threads

Windows: /threads


Linux and OS X: None

Windows: /MD


Linux and OS X: None

Windows: /MW


Linux and OS X: None

Windows: /MWs

See Also