Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide
Inquiry Intrinsic Function (Generic): Checks whether a file is at or beyond the end-of-file record.
result = EOF (unit)
unit |
(Input) Must be of type integer. It represents a unit specifier corresponding to an open file. It cannot be zero unless you have reconnected unit zero to a unit other than the screen or keyboard. |
The result type is default logical. The value of the result is .TRUE. if the file connected to unit is at or beyond the end-of-file record; otherwise, .FALSE..
! Creates a file of random numbers, reads them back REAL x, total INTEGER count OPEN (1, FILE = 'TEST.DAT') DO I = 1, 20 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) WRITE (1, '(F6.3)') x * 100.0 END DO CLOSE(1) OPEN (1, FILE = 'TEST.DAT') DO WHILE (.NOT. EOF(1)) count = count + 1 READ (1, *) value total = total + value END DO 100 IF ( count .GT. 0) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Average is: ', total / count ELSE WRITE (*,*) 'Input file is empty ' END IF STOP END