Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Intrinsic Subroutine: Gets the value of an environment variable.

CALL GET_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE (name [,value,length,status,trim_name])


(Input) Must be a scalar of type default character. It is the name of the environment variable.


(Output; optional) Must be a scalar of type default character. If specified, it is assigned the value of the environment variable specified by name. If the environment variable does not exist, value is assigned all blanks.


(Output; optional) Must be a scalar of type integer. If specified, its value is the length of the environment variable, if it exists; otherwise, length is set to 0.


(Output; optional) Must be a scalar of type integer. If specified, it is assigned a value of 0 if the environment variable exists and either has no value or its value is successfully assigned to value.

It is assigned a value of -1 if the value argument is present and has a length less than the significant length of the environment variable value. It is assigned a value of 1 if the environment variable does not exist. For other error conditions, it is assigned a processor-dependent value greater than 2.


(Input; optional) Must be a scalar of type logical. If the value is FALSE, then trailing blanks in name are considered significant. Otherwise, they are not considered part of the environment variable's name.


The following program asks for the name of an environment variable. If the environment variable exists in the program's environment, it prints out its value:

  program print_env_var
  character name*20, val*40
  integer len, status
  write (*,*) 'enter the name of the environment variable'
  read (*,*) name
  call get_environment_variable (name, val, len, status, .true.)
  if (status .ge. 2) then
     write (*,*) 'get_environment_variable failed: status = ', status
  end if
  if (status .eq. 1) then
     write (*,*) 'env var does not exist'
  end if
  if (status .eq. -1) then
     write (*,*) 'env var length = ', len, ' truncated to 40'
     len = 40
  end if
  if (len .eq. 0) then
     write (*,*) 'env var exists  but has no value'
  end if
  write (*,*) 'env var value = ', val (1:len)

When the above program is invoked, the following line is displayed:

  enter the name of the environment variable

The following shows an example of what could be displayed if you enter "HOME".

The following shows an example of what could be displayed if you enter "PATH".