Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Forms for Data Edit Descriptors

A data edit descriptor takes one of the following forms:







Is a repeat specification. The range of r is 1 through 2147483647 (2**31-1). If r is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.


Is one of the following format codes: I, B, O, Z, F, E, EN, ES, D, G, L, or A.


Is the total number of digits in the field (the field width). If omitted, the system applies default values (see Default Widths for Data Edit Descriptors). The range of w is 1 through 2147483647 (2**31-1) on Intel® 64 architecture; 1 through 32767 (2**15-1) on IA-32 architecture. For I, B, O, Z, and F, the range can start at zero.


Is the minimum number of digits that must be in the field (including leading zeros). The range of m is 0 through 32767 (2**15-1) on Intel® 64 architecture; 0 through 255 (2**8-1) on IA-32 architecture.


Is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (the significant digits). The range of d is 0 through 32767 (2**15-1) on Intel® 64 architecture; 0 through 255 (2**8-1) on IA-32 architecture.

The number of significant digits is affected if a scale factor is specified for the data edit descriptor.


Identifies an exponent field.


Is the number of digits in the exponent. The range of e is 1 through 32767 (2**15-1) on Intel® 64 architecture; 1 through 255 (2**8-1) on IA-32 architecture.


Standard Fortran allows the field width to be omitted only for the A descriptor. However, Intel® Fortran allows the field width to be omitted for any data edit descriptor.

The r, w, m, d, and e must all be positive, unsigned, integer literal constants; or variable format expressions -- no kind parameter can be specified. They must not be named constants.

Actual useful ranges for r, w, m, d, and e may be constrained by record sizes (RECL) and the file system.

The data edit descriptors have the following specific forms:


Iw[.m], Bw[.m], Ow[.m], and Zw[.m]

Real and complex:

Fw.d, Ew.d[Ee], ENw.d[Ee], ESw.d[Ee], Dw.d, and Gw.d[Ee]





The d must be specified with F, E, D, and G field descriptors even if d is zero. The decimal point is also required. You must specify both w and d, or omit them both.

A repeat specification can simplify formatting. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:

20  FORMAT (E12.4,E12.4,E12.4,I5,I5,I5,I5)

20  FORMAT (3E12.4,4I5)


 !  This WRITE outputs three integers, each in a five-space field
 !  and four reals in pairs of F7.2 and F5.2 values.
       INTEGER(2) int1, int2, int3
       REAL(4) r1, r2, r3, r4
       DATA int1, int2, int3 /143, 62, 999/
       DATA r1, r2, r3, r4 /2458.32, 43.78, 664.55, 73.8/
       WRITE (*,9000) int1, int2, int3, r1, r2, r3, r4
 9000  FORMAT (3I5, 2(1X, F7.2, 1X, F5.2))

The following output is produced from the above code:

  143  62  999 2458.32 43.78  664.55 73.80

See Also