Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Glossary I


An instance of a Fortran program.

image index

An integer value that identifies an image.

image control statement

A statement that affects the execution ordering between images.

implicit interface

A procedure interface whose properties (the collection of names, attributes, and arguments of the procedure) are not known within the scope of the calling program, and have to be assumed. The information is assumed by the calling program from the properties of the procedure name and actual arguments in the procedure call.

implicit typing

The mechanism by which the data type for a variable is determined by the beginning letter of the variable name.

import library

A .LIB file that contains information about one or more dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), but does not contain the DLL's executable code. To provide the information needed to resolve the external references to DLL functions, the linker uses an import library when building an executable module of a process.

included task

A task for which execution is sequentially included in the generating task region; that is, the task is undeferred and executed immediately by the encountering thread.


Can be either of the following:

  • The variable used as a loop counter in a DO statement.

  • An intrinsic function specifying the starting position of a substring inside a string.

inheritance association

The relationship between the inherited components and the parent component in an extended type.


The assignment of an initial value to a variable.

initialization expression

A form of constant expression that is used to specify an initial value for an entity.


An optimization that replaces a subprogram reference (CALL statement or function invocation) with the replicated code of the subprogram.

input/output (I/O)

The data that a program reads or writes. Also, devices to read and write data.

inquiry function

An intrinsic function whose result depends on properties of the principal argument, not the value of the argument.

integer constant

A constant that is a whole number with no decimal point. It can have a leading sign and is interpreted as a decimal number.


An attribute of a dummy argument that is not a procedure or a pointer. It indicates whether the argument is used to transfer data into the procedure, out of the procedure, or both.

interactive process

A process that must periodically get user input to do its work. Contrast with background process.


See procedure interface.

interface block

The sequence of statements starting with an INTERFACE statement and ending with the corresponding END INTERFACE statement.

interface body

The sequence of statements in an interface block starting with a FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement and ending with the corresponding END statement. Also called a procedure interface body.

internal file

The designated internal storage space (or variable buffer) that is manipulated during input and output. An internal file can be a character variable, character array, character array element, or character substring. In general, an internal file contains one record. However, an internal file that is a character array has one record for each array element.

internal procedure

A procedure (other than a statement function) that is contained within an internal subprogram. The program unit containing an internal procedure is called the host of the internal procedure. The internal procedure (which appears between a CONTAINS and END statement) is local to its host and inherits the host's environment through host association.

internal subprogram

A subprogram contained in a main program or another subprogram.


Describes entities defined by the Fortran 2003 language (such as data types and procedures). Intrinsic entities can be used freely in any scoping unit.

intrinsic procedure

A subprogram supplied as part of the Fortran library that performs array, mathematical, numeric, character, bit manipulation, and other miscellaneous functions. Intrinsic procedures are automatically available to any Fortran program unit (unless specifically overridden by an EXTERNAL statement or a procedure interface block). Also called a built-in or library procedure.


To call upon; used especially with reference to subprograms. For example, to invoke a function is to execute the function.

iteration count

The number of executions of the DO range, which is determined as follows:

[(terminal value - initial value + increment value) / increment value]