Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Performing Common Tasks with Visual Studio*

This topic outlines the basic steps for using the Intel® Fortran Compiler with Microsoft Visual Studio*.

Building and Running a Fortran Project

Converting Compaq* Visual Fortran Projects

For information on converting projects from Compaq* Visual Fortran to Intel® Fortran, see Converting Projects.

Further Reading

Documentation is available in Visual Studio* from the Help menu.

You can request documentation on Fortran language features, including library routines, using context-sensitive help in the Visual Studio* IDE. In a source window, position the cursor on a language keyword (for example, INTEGER or CONTAINS) or a library routine (for example, DATE_AND_TIME or SIGNALQQ) and press the F1 key. This displays the appropriate topic in the documentation.

Similarly, dialog boxes and property pages that are specific to the Intel® Fortran compiler offer context-sensitive help that is accessed by pressing the F1 key.

See Also