Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Portability Function: Sets the value of an existing environment variable, or adds and sets a new environment variable.



result = SETENVQQ (varname=value)


(Input) Character*(*). String containing both the name and the value of the variable to be added or modified. Must be in the form: varname = value, where varname is the name of an environment variable and value is the value being assigned to it.


The result is of type LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..

Environment variables define the environment in which a program executes. For example, the LIB environment variable defines the default search path for libraries to be linked with a program.

SETENVQQ deletes any terminating blanks in the string. Although the equal sign (=) is an illegal character within an environment value, you can use it to terminate value so that trailing blanks are preserved. For example, the string PATH= =sets value to ''.

You can use SETENVQQ to remove an existing variable by giving a variable name followed by an equal sign with no value. For example, LIB= removes the variable LIB from the list of environment variables. If you specify a value for a variable that already exists, its value is changed. If the variable does not exist, it is created.

SETENVQQ affects only the environment that is local to the current process. You cannot use it to modify the command-level environment. When the current process terminates, the environment reverts to the level of the parent process. In most cases, this is the operating system level. However, you can pass the environment modified by SETENVQQ to any child process created by RUNQQ. These child processes get new variables and/or values added by SETENVQQ.

SETENVQQ uses the C runtime routine _putenv and GETENVQQ uses the C runtime routine getenv. From the C documentation:

getenv and _putenv use the copy of the environment pointed to by the global variable _environ to access the environment. getenv operates only on the data structures accessible to the run-time library and not on the environment segment created for the process by the operating system.

SETENVQQ and GETENVQQ will not work properly with the Windows* APIs SetEnvironmentVariable and GetEnvironmentVariable.


 LOGICAL(4) success
 success = SETENVQQ("PATH=c:\mydir\tmp")
 success = &

See Also