Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Options: General dialog box

To access the General page, click Tools > Options and then select Intel Compilers and Tools > Visual Fortran > General. Use this page to specify Fortran File Extensions and Build Options.

Build Options

Continue on Errors: Check this box to allow compilation to continue regardless of an error in the current file. The compiler will begin compiling the next file. (To set the maximum number of errors to encounter before compilation stops, choose Configuration Properties > Fortran > Diagnostics > Error Limit).

Generate Build Logs: Check this box to generate build logs.

Show Environment in Log: Check this box to show environment variable settings in the log file.

Fortran File Extensions

You can specify additional Fortran free format and fixed format file extensions to be recognized as valid file extensions within the IDE. The IDE treats these additional extensions as compilable Fortran source files. You can also remove or modify existing extensions that appear in the list.

When you add a new extension, the IDE checks the registry to determine whether the extension is already associated with a language, tool, or file format. If there is such an association, a message informs you of this and you will not be allowed to add the extension.

Headers: Specify one or more file extensions for header files, each beginning with a period and separated by semi-colons.

Sources: Specify one or more file extensions for source files, each beginning with a period and separated by semi-colons.

Click OK to save your changes.