Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide
Statement: Specifies the DOUBLE COMPLEX data type.
A COMPLEX(8) or DOUBLE COMPLEX constant is a pair of constants that represents a complex number. One of the pair must be a double-precision real constant, the other can be an integer, single-precision real, or double-precision real constant.
A COMPLEX(8) or DOUBLE COMPLEX constant occupies 16 bytes of memory and is interpreted as a complex number.
The rules for DOUBLE PRECISION (REAL(8)) constants also apply to the double precision portion of COMPLEX(KIND=8) or DOUBLE COMPLEX constants. (For more information, see REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION.)
The DOUBLE PRECISION constants in a COMPLEX(8) or DOUBLE COMPLEX constant have IEEE* T_floating format.
DOUBLE COMPLEX vector, arrays(7,29) DOUBLE COMPLEX pi, pi2 /3.141592654,6.283185308/
(547.3E0_8,-1.44_8) |
(1.7039E0,-1.7039D0) |
(+12739D3,0.D0) |