Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Graphics Functions: Draw one or more Bezier curves.



result = POLYBEZIERTO (lppoints,cpoints)

result = POLYBEZIERTO_W (lppoints,cpoints)


(Input) Derived type xycoord. Array of derived types defining the endpoints and the control points for each Bezier curve. The derived type xycoord is defined in IFQWIN.F90 as follows:

 TYPE xycoord
   INTEGER(2) xcoord
   INTEGER(2) ycoord
 END TYPE xycoord


(Input) INTEGER(2). Number of points in ppoints or lppoints.


The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is nonzero if anything is drawn; otherwise, 0.

A Bezier curve is based on fitting a cubic curve to four points. The first point is the starting point, the next two points are control points, and last point is the ending point. The starting point is the current graphics position as set by MOVETO for the first curve; subsequent curves use the ending point of the previous curve as their starting point. So, cpoints should contain 3 for one curve, 6 for 2 curves, 9 for 3 curves, and so forth.

POLYBEZIERTO moves the current graphics position to the ending point of the last curve drawn.


See the example in POLYBEZIER, POLYBEZIER_W (W*S).

See Also