Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide


Specifies the name for an object file.


Linux and OS X:






Is the name for the object file. It can be a file name or a directory name. A directory name must be followed by a backslash (\). If a special character appears within the file name or directory name, the file name or directory name must appear within quotes. To be safe, you should consider any non-ASCII numeric character to be a special character.



An object file has the same name as the name of the first source file and a file extension of .obj.


This option specifies the name for an object file.

If you specify this option and you omit /c or /compile-only, the /object option gives the object file its name.

On Linux and OS X systems, this option is equivalent to specifying option -ofilename -c.

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: Output Files > Object File Name

Eclipse: None

Xcode: None

Alternate Options

Linux and OS X: None

Windows: /Fo


The following command shows how to specify a directory:

ifort /object:directorya\ end.f

If you do not add the backslash following a directory name, an executable is created. For example, the following command causes the compiler to create directorya.exe:

ifort /object:directorya end.f

The following commands show how to specify a subdirectory that contains a special character:

ifort /object:"blank subdirectory"\ end.f
ifort /object:"c:\my_directory"\ end.f

See Also