Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Offload Extract Tool

This topic only applies to Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture).


The Offload Extract tool is a standalone tool that extracts embedded target objects from fat objects and embedded target binaries from fat executables on Windows* and Linux* systems. The tool can be used for Intel® MIC Architecture related offload extraction. For simplicity, in this topic, the Intel® MIC Architecture target objects and executables will be referred to as MIC target objects and executables.

Features and Benefits

By default, you cannot use analyzing and debugging tools like objdump and readelf to directly examine offload MIC objects/binaries because they are embedded in the host object or binary.

Use the Offload Extract tool to extract MIC object/binary from a fat object/binary on 64-bit Linux* or 64-bit Windows* systems. The extracted object/binary is an ELF object that can be analyzed with objdump or readelf analyzing tools.

Using the Tool

To extract the target object files, invoke the offload extract tool as follows:

offload_extract  <fat host object>

The MIC target objects are extracted into object files with the same name as the input object file but with the substring MIC appended to the filename. Since the target objects are in ELF format the object file name extension will be .o. For example,

offload_extract host.obj => hostMIC.o

To extract the target executables, invoke the offload extract tool as follows:

offload_extract  <fat host binary>

TheMIC target executables are extracted into target executable files with the same name as the input object file but with the file extension MIC added. For example,

offload_extract host.exe => hostMIC.mic


To extract the target object files from an archived library, you must first extract the individual fat objects from the fat archived library and then invoke the offload extract tool on the individual fat objects. For example:

ar -x libhost.a
offload_extract <individual fat host object>

Using Options

There are two options you can use to fine tune your extraction of offload binaries or executables.

Use the -o option to specify target filename or output directory. The syntax for the option is as follows:

offload_extract <fat host object|binary> [-o <output filename>]
offload_extract <fat host object|binary> [–o <output directory>]

When you use the -o option the target output filename and directory are generated without theMIC substring.

Use the -target option to select specific target MIC objects/executables to be extracted. The syntax for the option is as follows:

offload_extract <fat host object|binary> [–target mic]