Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

qoffload-option, Qoffload-option

Lets you explicitly specify options to be used for the specified target and tool. This option only applies to Intel® MIC Architecture. Option -qoffload-option is the replacement option for -offload-option, which is deprecated.

Architecture Restrictions

Only available on Intel® 64 architecture targeting Intel® MIC Architecture










Is the target architecture. The only supported value for this argument is mic.


Is the tool that the option-list is associated with. It can be one of the following values: ld, link, as, or compiler.

ld is the linker tool on Linux* OS; link is the linker tool on Windows* OS.


Is one or more options that are specific to the tool. The quotation mark delimiters are required. Each option in the option-list must be separated by a space.

For tool compiler, use compiler-specific options; for tool ld, use linker-specific options; for tool as, use assembler-specific options. The options for the tools always use the Linux form even when compiling on Windows.



The compiler does not pass additional options to the separate tools on the target architecture.


This option lets you explicitly specify options to be used for the specified target and tool. It can be specified multiple times on the command line.

When building a heterogeneous application, the driver passes all compiler options specified on the command-line to the host compilation and only certain options to the offload compilation. To see a list of options passed to the offload compilation, specify option watch=mic-cmd.

If you want to pass additional options to the offload compilation, or you would like to override the command line options passed to offload compilation, you must use option [q or Q]offload-option to specify the additional or overriding options.


If you specify the options I, L, D, or U with the option [q or Q]offload-option, they override any other I, L, D, and U options that are automatically passed from host to offload compilation.

To achieve the overriding effect, the I, L, D, and U options specified using [q or Q]offload-option are placed ahead of the I, L, D, and U options automatically copied over from the host compilation. All other options specified using [q or Q]offload-option are placed after the options copied over from host to offload compilation.

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: Code Generation > Additional Options for MIC Offload Compiler

Eclipse: None

Xcode: None

Alternate Options



The following shows a valid example for the compiler tool:

-qoffload-option,mic,compiler, "-O3 -diag-disable 1234 –vec-report2"   ! Linux* OS
/Qoffload-option,mic,compiler, "-O3 -diag-disable 1234 –vec-report2"   ! Windows* OS

The following shows another example for the compiler tool:

-qoffload-option,mic,compiler, "-O3 –vec-report3"     ! Linux* OS
/Qoffload-option,mic,compiler, "-O3 –vec-report3"     ! Windows* OS

The following shows a valid example for the Linux* ld tool:

-qoffload-option,mic,ld,"-lmylib -L/my/path"

The following shows a valid example for the Windows* link tool:

/Qoffload-option,mic,link,"--no-undefined   \"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2015\mkl\lib\mic\libmkl_intel_lp64.a\"" 

Note that when you specify a path containing spaces in the option-list, you must enclose the path in quotes with escape characters (\") so it is interpreted correctly by the compiler.

The following shows a valid example for the Linux* as tool:

-qoffload-option,mic,as,"<assembler options>"     ! Linux* OS
/Qoffload-option,mic,as,"<assembler options>"     ! Windows* OS

The following Linux* example causes the offload compilation to search -I/my_dir/mic/include first, and to use -DMY_DEFINE=20 because they override the previously mentioned -I/my_dir/include and -DMY_DEFINE=10. The compiler also passes -L/my_dir/mic/lib -L/my_dir/lib to the offload ld step:

ifort -qoffload-option,mic,compiler, "-I/my_dir/include -L/my_dir/lib -DMY_DEFINE=10 -I/my_dir/mic/include -DMY_DEFINE=20" -offload-option,mic,ld, "-L/my_dir/mic/lib" hello.f

The following Linux* example demonstrates how options specified in -qoffload-option override options automatically passed from host compilation to offload compilation:

-qoffload-option,mic,compiler,”-O3 -DMY_DEFINE=MIC” -DMY_DEFINE=HOST -O2

-DMY_DEFINE=HOST -O2 will be used for the host compilation. However, -DMY_DEFINE=MIC -O3 will override -O2 and -DMY_DEFINE=HOST for the offload compilation.

See Also