Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Sign Editing

The SP, SS and S edit descriptors control the output of the optional plus (+) sign within numeric output fields. These descriptors have no effect during execution of input statements.

These specifiers correspond to the SIGN= specifier values PLUS, SUPPRESS, and PROCESSOR_DEFINED, respectively.

Within a format specification, a sign editing descriptor affects all subsequent I, F, E, EN, ES, D, and G descriptors until another sign editing descriptor occurs.


       INTEGER i
       REAL r

 !     The following statements write:
 !     251 +251 251 +251 251
       i = 251
       WRITE (*, 100) i, i, i, i, i
 100   FORMAT (I5, SP, I5, SS, I5, SP, I5, S, I5)

 !     The following statements write:
 !     0.673E+4 +.673E+40.673E+4 +.673E+40.673E+4
       r = 67.3E2
       WRITE (*, 200) r, r, r, r, r
 200   FORMAT (E8.3E1, 1X, SP, E8.3E1, SS, E8.3E1, 1X, SP, &
      &            E8.3E1, S, E8.3E1)

See Also