Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Programming with Mixed Languages Overview

Mixed-language programming is the process of building programs in which the source code is written in two or more languages. It allows you to:

In mixed-language programming, a routine written in one language calls a function, procedure, or subroutine written in another language. For example, a Fortran program may need to call an existing shared library or system procedure written in another language.

Although mixed language programming is possible between Intel® Fortran and other languages, the primary focus of this section is programming using Intel® Fortran and C. Mixed language programming between these languages is relatively straightforward for these reasons:

The following applies to Windows* OS: The Intel® Fortran samples area, created during product installation, contains a number of sample mixed language programs that you can compile and run. For more information, see Using the Intel® Visual Fortran Samples.