Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide
Portability Function: On single processor systems, returns the elapsed CPU time, in seconds, of the process that calls it. On multi-core or multi-processor systems, returns the elapsed wall-clock time, in seconds.
result = ETIME (array)
array |
(Output) REAL(4). Must be a rank one array with two elements:
The result type is REAL(4). The result is the total CPU time, which is the sum of array(1) and array(2).
USE IFPORT REAL(4) I, TA(2) I = ETIME(TA) write(*,*) 'Program has used', I, 'seconds of CPU time.' write(*,*) ' This includes', TA(1), 'seconds of user time and', & & TA(2), 'seconds of system time.'