Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

pad-source, Qpad-source

Specifies padding for fixed-form source records.


Linux and OS X:











-nopad-source or /Qpad-source-

Fixed-form source records are not padded.


This option specifies padding for fixed-form source records. It tells the compiler that fixed-form source lines shorter than the statement field width are to be padded with spaces to the end of the statement field. This affects the interpretation of character and Hollerith literals that are continued across source records.

The default value setting causes a warning message to be displayed if a character or Hollerith literal that ends before the statement field ends is continued onto the next source record. To suppress this warning message, specify setting nousage for option warn.

Specifying [Q]pad-source can prevent warning messages associated with setting usage for option warn.

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: Language > Pad Fixed Form Source Lines

Eclipse: None

Xcode: Language > Pad Fixed Form Source Lines

Alternate Options


See Also