Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide
A single-precision REAL constant occupies four bytes of memory. The number of digits is unlimited, but typically only the leftmost seven digits are significant.
IEEE* S_floating format is used.
Note that compiler option real-size can affect REAL data.
3.14159 |
3.14159_4 |
621712._4 |
-.00127 |
+5.0E3 |
2E-3_4 |
1,234,567. |
Commas not allowed. |
325E-47 |
Too small for REAL; this is a valid DOUBLE PRECISION constant. |
-47.E47 |
Too large for REAL; this is a valid DOUBLE PRECISION constant. |
625._6 |
6 is not a valid kind for reals. |
100 |
Decimal point missing; this is a valid integer constant. |
$25.00 |
Special character not allowed. |
Compiler Reference ... Data and I/O section: Data Representation