Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Rules for Formatted Sequential WRITE Statements

Formatted, sequential WRITE statements translate data from binary to character form by using format specifications for editing (if any). The translated data is written to an external file that is connected for sequential access.

Values can be transferred from objects of intrinsic or derived types. For derived types, values of intrinsic types are transferred from the components of intrinsic types that ultimately make up these structured objects.

The output list and format specification must not specify more characters for a record than the record size. (Record size is specified by RECL in an OPEN statement.)

If the file is connected for unformatted I/O, formatted data transfer is prohibited.


The following example shows formatted, sequential WRITE statements:


  WRITE (*, "(F6.5)", ERR=25, IOSTAT=IO_STATUS) A, B, C

See Also