Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Deploying the COM Server on Another System (Windows*)

This topic only applies to Windows* operating systems.

When you have finished developing the COM server, you may want to deploy it on another system. Besides the server itself, you need to install the Fortran run-time DLLs and register the server:

  1. Install (or copy) the COM server to an appropriate directory.

  2. Register the server:

    • To register a DLL server, use the REGSVR32.EXE system tool, a command-line tool. To register the DLL server, specify the path to the DLL and its file name (dll_path) by typing the following command:

      REGSVR32 dll_path
    • The file REGSVR32.EXE is in your system directory, such as the \Winnt\System32 on Windows NT* or Windows 2000 systems. If this directory is not in your PATH, include its path before the REGSVR32 command.

    • To register a an EXE server, run the server with the /REGSERVER command-line opton. For example:

      exe_path /REGSERVER

If you are using MIDL-based Marshalling or Custom Marshalling, then the marshalling DLL also needs to be installed and registered. For information on marshalling, see Advanced COM Server Topics.