Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Specifying the Result Directory from the Command Line

It is generally safest to specify a PATH/name for the result directory when working on the command line. When using an action that takes a result as input, it is safer to specify the result directory, even if the result was created using the default directory.

Use the result-dir action-option to specify the PATH/name of a result directory. This may be an absolute path, or a path relative to the current working directory.


Use the user-data-dir action-option to specify the base directory for result paths.


This command runs the Basic Hotspots analysis of myApplication in the current working directory, which is named test. The result is saved in a default-named directory under the home/test/ directory. If this was the first Hotspots analysis run, the result directory would be named r000hs.

$ amplxe-cl -collect hotspots -result-dir=home/test/ -- home/test/myApplication

To generate a report from this result, you must specify the result directory.

$ amplxe-cl -report hotspots -result-dir=home/test/ -- home/test/myApplication

See Also