Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Managing Analysis Duration from the Command Line

Manage analysis duration for best results on short-running targets, or to Minimize Collection Overhead on longer-running targets.

Use the amplxe-cl command interface to minimize duration while optimizing the analysis process.

Using Default Duration

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier provides predefined general analysis types to keep overhead to a reasonable level. The option reference topic for the collect action identifies analysis types that are recommended as starting points; and points out some more advanced analysis types that have higher overhead.


To view all the analysis types that are available for your processor, use the command line help:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect

Adjusting Collection Duration to Application

The sampling interval determines how much data is collected. The default sampling interval is short, which is appropriate for targets that complete in 1 - 15 minutes.

If your target runs shorter or longer than this, use the target-duration-type action-option to set the appropriate duration type, which adjusts the sampling interval.


For hardware event-based analysis types, a multiplier applies to the configured Sample After value.


Perform a Basic Hotspots analysis using a medium sampling interval that is appropriate for targets with a duration of 15 minutes to 3 hours.

$ amplxe-cl -collect hotspots -target-duration-type medium -- myApp

Manually Interrupting and Restarting Analysis

To pause an analysis manually, open a new terminal and use the command action with the pause argument, being sure to specify the result directory. The target process continues to run, but data collection is paused.

amplxe-cl -command pause -result-dir results/r002ah

To resume analysis, use the command action with the resume argument.

amplxe-cl -command resume -r results/r002ah

To stop analysis altogether, use the command action with the stop argument. Once analysis is stopped, it cannot be resumed.

amplxe-cl -command stop -r results/r002ah

Configuring Collection Duration

VTune Amplifier offers other ways to limit the analysis process. To stop analysis at a specified time after initiating target execution, use the duration option.

amplxe-cl -collect <analysis_type> -duration=<value> -- <target>



To start the analysis in paused mode or pause the collection during the analysis, refer to Pausing Collection from the Command Line section.


Example 1: Ending analysis after specified time

Start an Advanced Hotspots analysis of myApplication and end analysis after 60 seconds.

$ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots -duration=60 -- home/test/myApplication

Example 2: Running an unlimited duration analysis

Run an unlimited duration Advanced Hotspots analysis, which will run until you stop it.

$ amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots -duration=unlimited -result-dir results/r002ah

See Also