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Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Basic Usage and Configuration

You can control performance data collection for your application by adding basic instrumentation to your application and by configuring your environment and your build system to use the instrumentation and tracing technology (ITT) APIs.

User applications/modules linked to the static ITT API library do not have a runtime dependency on a dynamic library. Therefore, they can be executed without VTune Amplifier or other Intel® Parallel Studio XE tools.

To use the ITT APIs, set up your C/C++ or Fortran application using the steps provided in Configuring Your Build System.

Unicode Support

All API functions that take parameters of type __itt_char follow the Windows OS unicode convention. If UNICODE is defined when compiling on a Windows OS, __itt_char is wchar_t, otherwise it is char. The actual function names are suffixed with A for the ASCII APIs and W for the unicode APIs. Both types of functions are defined in the DLL that implements the API.

Strings that are all ASCII characters are internally equivalent for both the unicode and the ASCII API versions. For example, the following strings are equivalent:

__itt_sync_createA( addr, "OpenMP Scheduler", "Critical Section", 0); 
__itt_sync_createW( addr, L"OpenMP Scheduler", L"Critical Section", 0); 

See Also