Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Pane: Options - Source/Assembly

To access this pane:

Go to Tools > Options > Intel VTune Amplifier version> Source/Assembly.

Use this pane to configure the following options:

Use This

To Do This

Tab size: text box

Set the tab character display width in white spaces. The tab size should be an integer starting from 1.

Assembly syntax

Specify a formatting option to display the disassembled code:

Use This

To Do This

Default Status

Default syntax radio button

Show disassembled code using default syntax.


GAS syntax radio button

Show disassembled code using GNU assembler syntax.


MASM syntax radio button

Show disassembled code using MASM syntax.


Cache source files check box

Save your source files in the cache. You can go back to the cached sources at any time in the future and explore the performance data collected per code line at that moment of time.

If you enable this option, the VTune Amplifier caches your sources in the result database when you open the Source window for the first time and provides the following message:

When you open the Source window for this result for the second time, one of the following behaviors is possible:

  • If the source file has not been changed, the VTune Amplifier opens the source from the located source path. The message about caching the source file shows up at the bottom. The Open Source File Editor toolbar button is enabled.

  • If the source files has been changed, the VTune Amplifier opens the source from the cached file and provides a proper notification on this at the bottom. The Open Source File Editor toolbar button is disabled.


  • VTune Amplifier opens previously cached source files even if the Cache source files option is disabled now.

  • If you have the Cache source files option enabled and open a changed source file that does not match the selected result, the VTune Amplifier will cache it but will not use it for this result.

See Also