Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

VTune Amplifier Filenames and Locations

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier generates the following file types:


The default installation path for the VTune Amplifier XE is /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_version. For the VTune Amplifier for Systems, the default <install_dir> is:

Analysis Result Files

File Type

Default Location

Result (*.amplxe) produced with preset analysis type

The location of the result files is controlled by the user. The default location for VTune Amplifier XE is:

  • On Linux: /root/intel/amplxe/projects/[project directory]/r@@@{at}

  • On Windows:

    • My Amplifier XE Results-[project name]\r@@@{at} directory in the solution directory (Visual Studio* IDE)

    • %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Amplifier XE\Projects\[project directory]\r@@@{at} directory (Standalone VTune Amplifier GUI)

The default location for the VTune Amplifier for Systems is %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Amplifier for Systems\Projects\[project directory]\r@@@{at} on Windows, and /root/intel/amplsys/projects/[project directory]/r@@@{at} on Linux.

Result (*.amplxe) produced with a custom analysis type

The location of the result files is controlled by the user. The default location for the VTune Amplifier XE is:

  • On Linux: /root/intel/amplxe/projects/[project directory]/r@@@

  • On Windows:

    • My Amplifier XE Results-[project name]\r@@@ directory in the solution directory (Visual Studio* IDE)

    • %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Amplifier XE\Projects\[project directory]\r@@@ directory (Standalone VTune Amplifier GUI)

The default location for the VTune Amplifier for Systems is %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Amplifier for Systems\Projects\[project directory]\r@@@ on Windows, and /root/intel/amplsys/projects/[project directory]/r@@@ on Linux.

To open a result from the standalone GUI, select Open > Result... from the menu and browse to the result file.

Analysis Configuration Files

File Type

File Location

Preset analysis type (for example, hotspots.cfg)

config/analysis_type in the product installation directory.

Custom analysis type (for example, Hardware Event-based Sampling Analysis @@@.cfg, where @@@ is the next available number)

For VTune Amplifier XE:

Windows: %APPDATA%\intel\Amplifier XE\analysis_type

Linux: /root/.intel/amplxe/analysis_type

For VTune Amplifier for Systems:

Windows: %APPDATA%\intel\Amplifier for Systems\analysis_type

Linux: /root/.intel/amplsys/analysis_type directory

Project File

File Type

File Location

Project (for example, *.amplxeproj)

The filename is controlled by the system. However, the file location is controlled by the user. The default location for VTune Amplifier XE is:

  • On Linux: /root/intel/amplxe/projects/[project directory]
  • On Windows:

    • My Amplifier XE Results-[project name] directory in the solution directory (Visual Studio* IDE)

    • Amplifier XE\Projects\[project directory] directory (Standalone Intel VTune Amplifier GUI)

For VTune Amplifier for Systems, the default location on Windows is Amplifier for Systems\Projects\[project directory], and /root/intel/amplsys/projects/[project directory] on Linux.


Run the Basic Hotspots analysis and then run the Locks and Waits analysis. If you use the default naming convention and result location, the VTune Amplifier names and saves the results in the following manner:


See Also