Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Re-finalizing Results

Results are finalized during collection by default, but sometimes finalization is suppressed, or a result that was finalized needs to be re-resolved. Here are some of the possible reasons:


Raw collector data is used to re-finalize a result. If the collect action is performed with the discard-raw-data option, so that the raw data is deleted after the initial finalization, the result cannot be re-finalized.

Re-Finalizing a Result

To force result re-finalization, run the finalize action using this general syntax:

$ amplxe-cl -finalize-result-dir <result_path> -search-dir <search_path>


<result_path> is the result directory and <search_path> is the search directory. Use the -search-dir option to specify directories for searching symbol and binary files.


This example re-finalizes the r001hs result, searching for symbol files in the specified search directory.

$ amplxe-cl -finalize -result-dir r001hs -search-dir home/import/system_modules 

See Also