Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Error Message: Collection Failed. Cannot Copy File...

When you click the Start button to begin a remote analysis, the system appears to connect to the remote machine but then provides the following error message: "Collection failed. The data cannot be displayed. Cannot copy <file> to <path> on the target. Please check scp command."


Intel® VTune™ Amplifier uses SCP to copy files from the host to the target and vice versa. If SCP is not working properly, the data collection fails.


Set up a password-less SSH connection to your remote target and use a test run to make sure the SCP utility works as expected. For example:

> scp -v my_file.txt user@target:path

where my_file.txt is a test file to copy, user@target is your remote Linux* target, and path is a destination directory for the copied file on the remote target.

If SCP exits with an error, this could be due to a known bug when a remote shell outputs some text ( see

To workaround this problem, you may log on your remote machine and comment the output text defined in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc and located in /etc or your home directory.

See Also