Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Pane: Options - General

To access this pane:

Click the menu button and select Options... > Intel VTune Amplifier version > General.

The following options are available:

Use This

To Do This

Show the analysis description when result opens check box

Enable/disable displaying a short description of the corresponding analysis type every time the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier generates a result.

Color Scheme drop-down menu

Choose between the color schemes for the bars in the Bottom-up window.

Use This

To Do This

Default Setting


Display different utilization levels in different colors.



Display different utilization levels in greyscale.


Application output destination:

Choose the location for the output of the analyzed application:

Use This

To Do This

Default Setting

Product output window radio button

Direct the application output to the Application Output pane in the Collection Log window.


Separate console window radio button

Direct the application output to a separate console window.


Remove raw collector data after resolving the result check box

Enable/disable removing raw collector data after finalizing the result. Removing raw data makes the result file smaller but prevents future re-finalization.

Display verbose messages in the Collection Log window check box

Enable/disable detailed collection status messages in the Collection Log window. Make sure to re-open the result to apply this change.

Path to the adb executable field

Specify the path to the adb executable used to access an Android* device for analysis with the VTune Amplifier for Systems.

See Also