Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Summary Report

Similar to the Summary window, available in GUI, the summary report provides overall performance data of your target. Intel® VTune™ Amplifier automatically generates the summary report when data collection completes. To disable this report, use the no-summary option in your command when performing a collect or collect-with action.

Use the following syntax to generate the Summary report from a preexisting result:

$ amplxe-cl -report summary -result-dir <result_path>

The summary report output depends on the collection type:

User-mode Sampling and Tracing Collection Summary Report

For User-Mode Sampling and Tracing Collection results, the summary report includes the following sections:


The following example generates the summary report for the r000hs Basic Hotspots analysis result.

$ amplxe-cl -report summary -r r000hs

Collection and Platform Info
Parameter                 r000hs
------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------
Application Command Line  /home/tachyon/find_hotspots
Operating System          Ubuntu 11.04
Computer Name             My Computer
Result Size               2926817
Collection start time     11:17:06 13/10/2015 UTC
Collection stop time      11:17:20 13/10/2015 UTC

Parameter               r000hs
----------------------  -------------------------------------------------
Name               		4th generation Intel® Core™ Processor family
Frequency          		2494226458
Logical CPU Core Count  4

Elapsed Time:       			14.094
CPU Time:           			11.319
Average CPU Usage:  			0.749
amplxe: Executing actions 100 % done

This example generates a summary report for the Locks and Waits analysis result r003lw. The summary portion of the report shows that the multithreaded target spent 64 seconds waiting, with an average concurrency of only 1.073. To identify the cause of the wait, view the result in the GUI performance pane, or generate a performance report.

$ amplxe-cl -report summary -r r003lw

Average Concurrency:  1.073
Elapsed Time:         13.911
CPU Time:             11.031
Wait Time:            64.468
Average CPU Usage:    0.768

Hardware Event-based Sampling Collection Summary Report

For Hardware Event-based Sampling Collection results, the summary report includes the following information (if available):

For HPC Performance Characterization analysis, the command-line summary report provides an issue description for metrics that exceed the predefined threshold. If you want to skip issues in the summary report, do one of the following:


This example generates the summary report for the r001ah Advanced Hotspots analysis result.

$ amplxe-cl -report summary -r r001ah

Collection and Platform Info
Parameter                 r001ah

------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Application Command Line  /home/tachyon/find_hotspots
Operating System          Ubuntu 11.04

Computer Name             My Computer

Result Size               37188680

Collection start time     09:59:01 11/09/2015 UTC

Collection stop time      09:59:28 11/09/2015 UTC

Parameter          			001ah
---------------------- 		-------------------------------------------------
Name               			4th generation Intel® Core™ Processor family
Frequency          			2494232562
Logical CPU Core Count  	4

Elapsed Time:       					26.785
CPU Time:           					16.394
Average CPU Usage:  					0.610
CPI Rate:           					0.413

Event summary
Hardware Event Type       Hardware Event Count:Self  Hardware Event Sample Count:Self  Events Per Sample
------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------------  -----------------
INST_RETIRED.ANY                       110633200000                             58228            1900000
CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD                 45653200000                             24028            1900000
CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC                40889900000                             21521            1900000

Use the Elapsed Time metric as your performance baseline to estimate your optimizations. The CPU Usage metric is the total CPU time divided by the Elapsed time, which demonstrates an average value of CPU utilization. For example, 'Average CPU Usage: 5.907' means near 6 cores were running on the average for your program overall. If you have, for example, 8 core system, there is some potential to parallelize the code.

This command generates the summary report for the HPC Performance Characterization analysis result and skips issue descriptions:

$ amplxe-cl -report summary -r r001hpc -report-knob show-issues=false

Elapsed Time: 23.182s
GFLOPS: 14.748
CPU Utilization: 58.0%
    Average CPU Usage: 13.920 Out of 24 logical CPUs
    Serial Time: 0.069s (0.3%)
    Parallel Region Time: 23.113s (99.7%)
        Estimated Ideal Time: 14.010s (60.4%)
        OpenMP Potential Gain: 9.103s (39.3%)
Memory Bound: 0.446
    Cache Bound: 0.175
    DRAM Bound: 0.216
    NUMA: % of Remote Accesses: 38.3%
FPU Utilization: 2.7%
    GFLOPS: 14.748
        Scalar GFLOPS: 4.801
        Packed GFLOPS: 9.947
Collection and Platform Info
    Application Command Line: ./sp.B.x
    User Name: vtune
    Operating System: 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" VERSION="7.2 (Maipo)" ID="rhel" ID_LIKE="fedora" VERSION_ID="7.2" P
RETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 (Maipo)" ANSI_COLOR="0;31" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.2:GA:server" HOME_URL="https://w" BUG_REPORT_URL=""  REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=7.
    Computer Name: nntvtune235
    Result Size: 1 GB
    Collection start time: 19:04:30 13/07/2016 UTC
    Collection stop time: 19:04:53 13/07/2016 UTC
    Name: Intel® Xeon® E5/E7 v2 Processor code named Ivytown
    Frequency: 2.694 GHz
    Logical CPU Count: 24
        Name: Intel® Xeon® E5/E7 v2 Processor code named Ivytown
        Frequency: 2.694 GHz
        Logical CPU Count: 24

See Also