Intel® C++ Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Vectorization and Loops

Interactions with Loop Parallelization

This topic provides more information on the interaction between the auto-vectorizer and loops.

Combine the [Q]parallel and [Q]x options to instruct the Intel® C++ Compiler to attempt both Auto-Parallelization and automatic loop vectorization in the same compilation.


Using this option enables parallelization for both Intel® microprocessors and non-Intel microprocessors. The resulting executable may get additional performance gain on Intel® microprocessors than on non-Intel microprocessors. The parallelization can also be affected by certain options, such as /arch (Windows*), -m (Linux* and OS X*), or [Q]x.


Using this option enables vectorization at default optimization levels for both Intel® microprocessors and non-Intel microprocessors. Vectorization may call library routines that can result in additional performance gain on Intel® microprocessors than on non-Intel microprocessors. The vectorization can also be affected by certain options, such as /arch (Windows*), -m (Linux* and OS X*), or [Q]x.

In most cases, the compiler will consider outermost loops for parallelization and innermost loops for vectorization. If deemed profitable, however, the compiler may even apply loop parallelization and vectorization to the same loop.

See Programming with Auto-parallelization and Programming Guidelines for Vectorization.

In some rare cases, a successful loop parallelization (either automatically or by means of OpenMP* directives) may affect the messages reported by the compiler for a non-vectorizable loop in a non-intuitive way; for example, in the cases where the Qopt-report:2 Qopt-report-phase:vec (Windows) or qopt-report=2 qopt-report-phase=vec (Linux and OS X) options indicate that loops were not successfully vectorized.

Types of Vectorized Loops

For integer loops, the 128-bit Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel® SSE) and the Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel® AVX) provide SIMD instructions for most arithmetic and logical operators on 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit integer data types, with limited support for the 64-bit integer data type.

Vectorization may proceed if the final precision of integer wrap-around arithmetic is preserved. A 32-bit shift-right operator, for instance, is not vectorized in 16-bit mode if the final stored value is a 16-bit integer. Also, note that because the Intel® SSE and the Intel® AVX instruction sets are not fully orthogonal (shifts on byte operands, for instance, are not supported), not all integer operations can actually be vectorized.

For loops that operate on 32-bit single-precision and 64-bit double-precision floating-point numbers, Intel® SSE provides SIMD instructions for the following arithmetic operators:

Additionally, Intel® SSE provide SIMD instructions for the binary MIN and MAX and unary SQRT operators. SIMD versions of several other mathematical operators (like the trigonometric functions SIN, COS, and TAN) are supported in software in a vector mathematical run-time library that is provided with the Intel® Compiler.

To be vectorizable, loops must be:

Intrinsic math functions such as sin(), log(), fmax(), and so on, are allowed, because the compiler runtime library contains vectorized versions of these functions. See the table below for a list of these functions; most exist in both float and double versions.

acos ceil fabs round
acosh cos floor sin
asin cosh fmax sinh
asinh erf fmin sqrt
atan erfc log tan
atan2 erfinv log10 tanh
atanh exp log2 trunc
cbrt exp2 pow  

The loop in the following example may be vectorized because sqrt() is vectorizable and func() gets inlined. Inlining is enabled at default optimization for functions in the same source file. An inlining report may be obtained by setting the options Qopt-report:2 Qopt-report-phase:ipo (Windows) or qopt-report=2 qopt-report-phase=ipo (Linux).

Example 3: Inlining of a Vectorizable Loop

float func(float x, float y, float xp, float yp) {
  float denom;
  denom = (x-xp)*(x-xp) + (y-yp)*(y-yp);
  denom = 1./sqrtf(denom);
  return denom; 

float trap_int(float y, float x0, float xn, int nx, float xp, float yp) {
  float x, h, sumx;
  int i;
  h = (xn-x0) / nx;
  sumx = 0.5*( func(x0,y,xp,yp) + func(xn,y,xp,yp) );
  for (i=1;i<nx;i++) {
    x = x0 + i*h;
    sumx = sumx + func(x,y,xp,yp);
  sumx = sumx * h;
  return sumx; 
// Command line 
> icc -c -qopt-report=2 -qopt-report-phase=vec trap_integ.c 
trap_int.c(16) (col. 3): remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.

Statements in the Loop Body

The vectorizable operations are different for floating-point and integer data.

Integer Array Operations

The statements within the loop body may contain char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int, and unsigned int. Calls to functions such as sqrt and fabs are also supported. Arithmetic operations are limited to addition, subtraction, bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operators, division (via run-time library call), multiplication, min, and max. You can mix data types but this may potentially cost you in terms of lowering efficiency. Some example operators where you can mix data types are multiplication, shift, or unary operators.

Other Operations

No statements other than the preceding floating-point and integer operations are allowed. In particular, note that the special __m64 __m128, and __m256 data types are not vectorizable. The loop body cannot contain any function calls. Use of Intel® SSE intrinsics ( for example, _mm_add_ps) or Intel® AVX intrinsics (for example, _mm256_add_ps) are not allowed.

Optimization Notice

Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

Notice revision #20110804

See Also