Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

The following are some important features of the compiler:

Getting Started with the Compiler

Getting Started explains how to invoke the compiler on the command line or from within an IDE.

OpenMP* Support

The compiler supports many OpenMP* features, including most features in the OpenMP* Version 4.0 API specification.

Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture

The Intel compiler supports elements that enable programming for and building binaries to run on the Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture).

Compiler Options

Compiler Options provides information about options you can use to affect optimization, code generation, and more.

Language Reference

The Language Reference provides information on language syntax and semantics, on adherence to various Fortran standards, and on extensions to those standards.

Fortran Language Extensions

Fortran Language Extensions provides information about how to use additional implementation features, such as creating a Component Object Model server and generating listing and map files, among others.

Mixed Language Programming

Mixed Language Programming provides information about Fortran and C interoperable procedures and data types, as well as various specifics of mixed-language programming.

List of Run-Time Error Messages

List of Run-Time Error Messages describes the errors processed by the Intel® Fortran run-time library (RTL).