Intel® Fortran Compiler 16.0 User and Reference Guide

Displaying Options Passed to Offload Compilation

This topic only applies to Intel® MIC Architecture.

Certain compiler options are passed to offload compilation automatically.

To display compiler options that are passed to offload compilation after they are specified on the host compilation command line, specify the following option, which is only available on Intel® MIC Architecture:

-watch=mic-cmd     ! Linux systems
/watch:mic-cmd     ! Windows systems

Only options that are automatically passed are displayed. Note that the above option is ignored when you specify option -mmic on Linux* systems or option /Qmic on Windows* systems.

For more information about the watch option, which can also be used to display other information, see watch.

Other compiler options are not passed to offload compilation automatically.

If you want to pass additional options to offload compilation, or you would like to override the command line options automatically passed to offload compilation, you must use option [q or Q]offload-option to specify the additional or overriding options.

For more information about this option, see qoffload-option, Qoffload-option.