Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Preparing an Android* Application for Analysis


Remote analysis on Android* systems is supported by the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems, part of the Intel® System Studio.

Before starting an analysis with the VTune Amplifier for Systems, make sure your Android application is compiled with required settings:

Compilation Settings

Performance analysis is only useful on binaries that have been optimized and have symbols to attribute samples to source code. To achieve that:

By default, the Android NDK build process for Android applications using JNI creates a version of your .so files with symbols.

The binaries with symbols included go to [ApplicationProjectDir]/obj/local/x86.

The stripped binaries installed on the target Android system via the .apk file go to [ApplicationProjectDir]/libs/x86 . These versions of the binaries cannot be used to find source in the VTune Amplifier. However, you may collect data on the target system with these stripped binaries and then later use the binaries with symbols to do analysis (as long as it is an exact match).

When the VTune Amplifier finishes collecting the data, it copies .so files from the device (which have had their symbols stripped). This allows the very basic functionality of associating samples to assembly code.

See Also