Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Context Menus: Call Stack Pane

Right-click the Call Stack pane to access the options available from its context menu:

Use This

To Do This

View Source

Open the Source/Assembly window for the program unit in the selected stack.

Show Modules

Display the module names of the program units selected in the Call Stack pane.

Show Source File and Line

Display the source file names of the program units selected in the Call Stack pane and a line number where the call was made.

Show in One-line Mode


Display information on each program unit in the stack in one line. You may want to disable this mode and view data in the two-line mode when the source file names are displayed.

Copy to Clipboard

Copy the data into the clipboard buffer to paste it to a different location.

See Also