Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Running system-overview Analysis from the Command Line


The System Overview analysis is supported only with the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems.

System Overview analysis evaluates general behavior of Linux* or Android* target systems and correlates power and performance metrics with IRQ handling. This analysis type uses the Driverless Event-Based Sampling Collection.


$ amplxe-cl -collect system-overview [-knob <knobName=knobValue>] -- <target>

Knobs: sampling-interval, collection-detail.


For the most current information on available knobs (configuration options) for the System Overview analysis, enter:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect system-overview


The following example runs the System Overview analysis on a guest OS via Kernel-based Virtual Machine with specified kallsyms and modules files paths.

$ amplxe-cl -collect system-overview -analyze-kvm-guest -kvm-guest-kallsyms=/home/vtune/[guest]/kallsyms -kvm-guest-modules=/home/vtune/[guest]/modules

What's Next

When the data collection is complete, do one of the following to view the result:

See Also