Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help


Set configuration options for the specified analysis type or collector type.

GUI Equivalent

Analysis Type window


-knob | -k <knob-name>=<knob-value>



An analysis type or collector type may have one or more configuration options (knobs) that provide additional instructions for performing the specified type of analysis. To use a knob, you must specify the knob name and knob value.

Multiple knob options are allowed and can be followed by additional action-options, as well as global-options, if needed.


There are values available for each knob. In most cases this is a Boolean value, so for Boolean knobs, specify <knob-name>=true to enable the knob.


Knob behavior may vary depending on the analysis type or collector type.



Supported Analysis



true | false. Default: false

concurrency, locksandwaits,runss

Collect synchronization data via the User-Defined Synchronization API.


true | false. Default: false

hotspots, advanced-hotspots, concurrency, locksandwaits,runss, general-exploration, sgx-hotspots, tsx-exploration, tsx-hotspots, runss, runsa

Analyze tasks, events and counters specified in your application via the Task API. This option causes higher overhead and increases result size.


true | false.

Default: true for the HPC Performance Characterization analysis; false for other analysis types.

hotspots, advanced-hotspots, concurrency, hpc-performance, memory-access, general-exploration, runsa

Instrument the OpenMP* Analysis in your application to group performance data by regions/work-sharing constructs and detect inefficiencies such as imbalance, lock contention, or overhead on performing scheduling, reduction, and atomic operations. Using this option may cause higher overhead and increase the result size.


true | false. Default: false

runss, runsa

Analyze frame rate and usage of Intel HD Graphics and Intel Iris Graphics engines and identify whether your application is GPU or CPU bound.


true | false. Default for gpu-hotspots: true, for runss: false.

gpu-hotspots, runss, runsa

Analyze execution of OpenCL™ kernels and Intel® Media SDK programs on Intel HD Graphics and Intel Iris Graphics. This option may affect the performance of your application on the CPU side.


OpenCL kernels analysis is currently supported for Windows and Linux target systems with Intel HD Graphics and Intel Iris Graphics. Intel Media SDK program analysis is supported for Linux targets only.


A number (in milliseconds) between 0.1 and 1000. Default: 1.

gpu-hotspots, runss, runsa

Specify an interval between GPU samples.


none (default for runss), overview (default for gpu-hotspots), global-local-accesses, compute-extended, full-compute (preview)

gpu-hotspots, runss, runsa

Analyze performance data from Intel HD Graphics and Intel Iris Graphics based on the preset counter sets:

  • overview - track general GPU memory accesses such as Memory Read/Write Bandwidth, GPU L3 Misses, Sampler Busy, Sampler Is Bottleneck, and GPU Memory Texture Read Bandwidth. These metrics can be useful for both graphics and compute-intensive applications.

  • global-local-accesses - include metrics that distinguish accessing different types of data on a GPU: Untyped Memory Read/Write Bandwidth, Typed Memory Read/Write Transactions, SLM Read/Write Bandwidth, Render/GPGPU Command Streamer Loaded, and GPU EU Array Usage. This metrics are useful for compute-intensive workloads on the GPU.

  • compute-extended - analyze GPU activity on the Intel processor code name Broadwell. This metrics set is disabled for other systems.

  • full-compute (preview) - collect both overview and compute-basic metrics with the allow-multiple-runs option enabled to analyze all types of EUs array stalled/idle issues in the same view.


For user-mode sampling and tracing types: a number (in milliseconds) between 1 and 1000. Default: 10

For hardware event-based sampling types: a number (in milliseconds) between 0.01 and 1000. Default: 1.

hotspots,runss, advanced-hotspots, concurrency, locksandwaits,runsa, system-overview, memory-access, sgx-hotspots, hpc-performance, runss

Specify a sampling interval (in milliseconds) between CPU samples.


hotspots-sampling (default)

advanced-hotspots, system-overview

Identify application hotspots based on such basic hardware events as Clockticks and Instructions Retired.


Identify hardware hotspots, explore statistically reconstructed call flow of your program and analyze thread scheduling.


Identify hardware hotspots, analyze thread scheduling, explore call stacks and statistically approximated number of calls to sampled functions. This value is used for advanced-hotspots only.


Extend the stack-and-callcount collection with an analysis of loop trip count statistically estimated using the hardware events. This value is used for advanced-hotspots only.


true | false. Default: false

tsx-hotspots, hpc-performance, gpu-hotspots, runsa

Enable Hardware Event-based Sampling Collection with Stacks.


true | false.

Default: true for the HPC Performance Characterization and General Exploration analysis with collect-memory-bandwidth knob enabled; true for the Memory Access analysis.

memory-access, general exploration, hpc-performance, runsa

Evaluate maximum achievable local DRAM bandwidth before the collection starts. This data is used to scale bandwidth metrics on the timeline and calculate thresholds.


true | false. Default: false

general-exploration, hpc-performance

Collect data to identify where your application is generating significant bandwidth to DRAM. To view collected data in GUI, enable the Interpreting Memory Usage Data.


true | false. Default: false


Enable the instrumentation of memory allocation/de-allocation and map hardware events to memory objects. This option is supported for Linux targets only running on the Intel microarchitecture code name Sandy Bridge (or later).


Default: 1024 bytes


Specify a minimal size of memory allocations to analyze. This option helps reduce runtime overhead of the instrumentation.

This option is supported for Linux targets only running on the Intel microarchitecture code name Sandy Bridge (or later).


all | user | os. Default: all

advanced-hotspots, runsa

Limit event-based sampling collection to OS or USER mode.


true | false. Default: true


Analyze the data locality. Good data accessibility makes your code efficient and helps benefit from vectorization. This analysis includes only L1 metrics since L2 and FILL events on the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor code named Knights Corner are counting both demand loads and stores as well as multiple types of prefetches. Since other events do not count all of the prefetches accurately, the formulas cannot be adjusted to calculate real demand L2 hits or misses.


This knob is available only for the General Exploration analysis on the Intel Xeon Phi™ coprocessor code named Knights Corner.


true | false. Default: true


Extend cache analysis with adding the L2_DATA_READ/WRITE_MISS_CACHE_FILL and L2_DATA_READ/WRITE_MISS_MEM_FILL events for some insight into L2 data locality. The general ratio of these events may indicate remote cache accesses that have as high a latency as memory accesses and should be avoided if possible.


This knob is available only for the General Exploration analysis on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor code named Knights Corner.


true | false. Default: false


Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is a cache used for mapping virtual address to physical ones. Analyze the rate of TLB misses to identify performance problems.


This knob is available only for the General Exploration analysis on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor code named Knights Corner.


true | false. Default: false


Identify whether the level of vectorization usage (instruction-level parallelism) in your program is sufficient.


This knob is available only for the General Exploration analysis on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor code named Knights Corner.


cycles | aborts. Default: cycles


Specify a step for analyzing Intel Transactional Synchronization Extensions behavior. Typically, you start with measuring transactional success (cycles) and then, if the aborts rate is high, you run the TSX Exploration to analyze for aborts.


This knob is available only for theTSX Exploration Analysis analysis for the Intel microarchitecture code name Haswell.


true | false. Default: false

runss, runsa

Extend loop analysis to collect advanced loops information such as instruction set usage and display analysis results by loops and functions.


java java,python | python . Default: java

runss, runsa

Specify a type of managed runtime to analyze. Available values: Java* analysis, combined Java and Python* analysis, and Python only.


off | stack | nostack. Default: off

runss, runsa

Enable to identify where threads are waiting or compute thread concurrency. The collector instruments APIs, which causes higher overhead and increases result size.


Available events are freq, idle, sched, disk, filesystem, irq, kvm, workq, softirq, sync.

Default for Linux targets: sched,freq,idle,workq,irq,softirq

Default for Android targets: sched,freq,idle,workq,filesystem, irq,softirq,sync,disk

runsa, runss

Collect Linux Ftrace* framework events.


This option is supported with the VTune Amplifier for Systems only.


online | offline. Default: offline


Choose between online (during collection) and offline (after collection) modes to analyze stacks. Offline mode reduces analysis overhead and is typically recommended.


true | false. Default: true


For Intel TBB-based applications, restructure the call flow to attach stacks to a point introducing a parallel workload.


off | stack | nostack. Default: off


Enable to periodically sample the application. Samples can be collected with or without stacks.


off | stack | nostack. Default: off


Enable to identify where threads are waiting or compute thread concurrency. The collector instruments APIs, which causes higher overhead and increases result size.


off | objects | stack | nostack. Default: off


Enable to view synchronization transitions in the timeline and signalling call stacks for associated waits. The collector instruments signalling APIs, which causes higher overhead and increases result size.


true | false. Default: false


Disable using alternative stacks for signal handlers. Consider this option for profiling standard Python 3 code on Linux.


true | false. Default: false


Analyze the percentage of time each thread and CPU spends in I/O wait state.


A number between 0 and 2147483647. Default is 0 (unlimited stack size).


Reduce the collection overhead and limit the stack size (in bytes) processed by the VTune Amplifier.


software | lbr. Default: software


Choose between software stack and hardware LBR-based stack types. Software stacks have no depth limitations and provide more data while hardware stacks introduce less overhead. Typically, software stack type is recommended unless the collection overhead becomes significant. Note that hardware LBR stack type may not be available on all platforms.


true | false. Default: false


Obtain statistical estimation of call counts based on hardware events.


true | false. Default: false


Obtain statistical estimation of loop trip counts based on hardware events.




Configure PMU events to collect with the hardware event-based sampling collector. Multiple events can be specified as a comma-separated list (no spaces).


To display a list of events available on the target PMU, enter:

$ amplxe-cl -collect-with runsa -knob event-config=? <target>

The command returns names and short descriptions of available events. For more information on the events, use Intel Processor Events Reference.




Specify a comma-separated list of Android chipset events (up to 5 events) to monitor with the hardware event-based sampling collector.


true | false. Default: false


Analyze detailed scheduling layout for all threads on the system and identify the nature of context switches for a thread (preemption or synchronization).


Available events are gfx, input, view, webview, wm, am, audio, video, camera, hal, res, dalvik.


Collect Android framework events from Systrace*.


This option is supported with the VTune Amplifier for Systems only.


true | false. Default: false


Collect the events required to analyze transactional success.


true | false. Default: false


Analyze detailed scheduling layout for all threads in your application, explore time spent on a context switch and identify the nature of context switches for a thread (preemption or synchronization).

Actions Modified

collect, collect-with


Use the knob action-option to configure knob settings for a collect (predefined analysis types) or collect-with (custom analysis types) action where the analysis type supports one or more knobs. Each analysis type or collector type supports a specific set of knobs, and each knob requires a value. In most cases the knob value is Boolean, so you would use True to enable the knob.

To see all knobs available for a predefined analysis type:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect <analysis_type>

To see knobs for a custom analysis type:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect-with <analysis_type>


This example returns a list of knobs for the Locks and Waits analysis type:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect locksandwaits

This example runs a custom event-based sampling data collection on an Android system enabling collection of Android framework and chipset events (applicable to the VTune Amplifier for Systems only).

$ amplxe-cl -collect-with runss -target-system=android -knob sampling-interval=2 -knob cpu-samples-mode=stack -knob ftrace-config=gfx,dalvik -knob chipset-event-config="GMCH_PARTIAL_WR_DRAM.ANY,GMCH_CORE_CLKS" --target-process

This example configures and runs a custom event-based sampling data collection with the stack size limited to 8192 bytes:

$ amplxe-cl -collect-with runsa -knob enable-stack-collection=true -knob stack-size=8192 -knob enable-call-counts=true -knob event-config=CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC:sa=1800000,CPU_CLK_UNHALTED

See Also