Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

amplxe-cl Actions

The amplxe-cl command tool of the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier supports different command options.



Run the specified analysis type and collect data into a result.


Run a custom hardware event-based sampling or user-mode sampling and tracing collection using your settings.


Issue a command to a running collect action.


Perform symbol resolution to finalize or re-resolve a result.


Display brief explanations of command line arguments.


Import one or more collection data files/directories.


Generate a specified type of report from an analysis result.


Display version information for the amplxe-cl.


To access the most current command line documentation for an action, enter amplxe-cl -help <action>, where <action> is one of the available actions. To see all available actions, enter amplxe-cl -help.

Action Options

Action options define a behavior applicable to the specified action; for example, the -result-dir option specifies the result directory path for the collect action.


To access the list of available action options for an action, enter amplxe-cl -help <action>, where <action> is one of the available actions. To see all available actions, enter amplxe-cl -help.

Action-Option Usage Rules:

Global Options

Global options define a behavior applicable to all actions; for example, the -quiet option suppresses non-essential messages for all actions. You may have one or more global options per command.


To access the list of available global options for an action, enter amplxe-cl -help <action>, where <action> is one of the available actions. To see all available actions, enter amplxe-cl -help.

Getting Information on Analysis Options

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier offers many ways to get information on analysis options.

See Also