Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help


Import one or more collection data files/directories.

GUI Equivalent

Window: Import

Toolbar: Command


-import <PATH>


A string containing the PATH of the data files to import. To import several files, make sure to use the import option for each path.


call-stack-mode, discard-raw-data, inline-mode, result-dir, search-dir, user-data-dir


Use the import action to import one or more collection data files into the VTune Amplifier. You may import the following formats:


Importing a csv file to the VTune Amplifier result does not affect symbol resolution in the result. For example, you can safely import a csv file to a result located on a system where module and debug information is not available.


This example imports the sample_data.tb7 file into a VTune Amplifier project and creates the result directory r000ah:

$ amplxe-cl –import sample_data.tb7 –result-dir r000ah 

This example imports a trace file collected with the Linux Perf tool into a VTune Amplifier project and creates a default result directory r000 (since no result directory is specified from the command line):

$ amplxe-cl -import perf_trace.perf 

See Also