Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Window: Import

To access this window:

Open a project where you want to locate the imported result, click the menu button on the toolbar and select Import Result... .

Use this window to configure the following options:

Use This

To Do This

Import a single file field

Browse to a raw data file you want to import to the current project. VTune Amplifier creates a result with the imported data and locates it in the current project.

The following types of files can be imported:

  • *.tb6/*.tb7 (sampling raw data files collected with the low-level SEP collector)

  • *.perf (Perf data files)

  • *.csv (external data collection files in the predefined format)

  • *.pwr (processed Intel SoC Watch files with Energy analysis data collected on Android or Linux* OS)

  • *.sww1 (Intel SoC Watch files with Energy analysis data collected on Windows* OS)

Import a directory field

Import all files from a directory. Collected data from these files will be presented in one result.


See Also