Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Dialog Box: Binary/Symbol Search

Use the Binary/Symbol Search dialog box to configure the search directories for binary and symbol files on the host, which is required to finalization and accurate source analysis. For example, specify non-standard directories for the supporting files needed to execute the target executable.

For remote data collection, if the symbol files are not available on the host, make sure to either copy them to the host or mount the directory with the source files and add it to the search paths. Binary files are copied from the target system to the host by default after data collection.

To access this dialog box:

  1. On the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier toolbar, click the Configure Project button.

    The result tab opens the Choose Target and Analysis Type window with the Analysis Target tab active.

  2. Click the Binary/Symbol Search button on the command toolbar on the right.

Use This

To Do This

Search Directories list

  • Add non-standard directories to the list.

  • View the directories currently in the search list, including their search order.


Browse for directories to include to the search list.

<Add new search location> field

Add a new local search directory or a symbol server paths to the list by clicking the field and typing the path and name of the directory in the activated text box.


The search is non-recursive. Make sure to specify correct paths to the binary/symbol files.


Move the selected directory up the search priority list.


Move the selected directory down the search priority list.

Remove directory button

Remove the selected directory from the list.

See Also