Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Importing Results in the VTune Amplifier GUI

Collect performance data remotely with the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier collectors (for example, SEP collector or Intel SoC Watch collector) or Linux* Perf* collector, import this data to the VTune Amplifier project, and view the data in the graphical or command line interface.

Currently the following data formats can be imported:

Prerequisites for importing a *.perf file with event-based sampling data collected by the Linux* Perf tool:

Run the Perf collection with the predefined command line options:

where the -e option is used to specify a list of events to collect as -e <list of events>; --call-graph option (optional) configures samples to be collected together with the thread call stack at the moment a sample is taken. See Linux Perf documentation on possible call stack collection options (for example, dwarf) and its availability in different OS kernel versions.


The Linux kernel exposes Perf API to the Perf tool starting from version 2.6.31. Any attempts to run the Perf tool on kernels prior to this version lead to undefined results or even crashes. See Linux Perf documentation for more details.

To import files into a VTune Amplifier project from GUI:

  1. Select the Import option using any of the following options:

    • Open a project where you want to locate the imported result, click the menu button and select Import Result....

    • Click the Import Result button on the toolbar.

    The Import window opens.

  2. Click the Browse... button to navigate to the required file and click the Import button on the right command toolbar.

    VTune Amplifier creates a result with the imported data and locates it in the current project. When you open the result in the VTune Amplifier, it uses all applicable viewpoints to represent the data.


  • To resolve symbol information for the imported data, the VTune Amplifier uses search directories specified for the current project. To view/modify the search directories, click the Configure Project... button on the product toolbar and click the Binary/Symbol Search or Source Search button on the right.

  • To reduce the size of the imported result, consider using the Remove raw collector data after resolving the result option available from Options... > Intel VTune Amplifier version > General tab. This option makes the result file smaller but prevents future re-finalization.

  • You can run a custom data collection (with a third-party collector or your own collection utility) in parallel with the VTune Amplifier analysis run, convert the collected data to a *.csv file and import the this file to the VTune Amplifier project using the Import from CSV GUI option or -import CLI option. You may also choose to use the Custom collector option of the VTune Amplifier to run your custom collection directly from the VTune Amplifier.

See Also