Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

JIT Profiling API

The JIT (Just-In-Time) Profiling API provides functionality to report information about just-in-time generated code that can be used by performance tools. You need to insert JIT Profiling API calls in the code generator to report information before JIT-compiled code goes to execution. This information is collected at runtime and used by tools like Intel® VTune™ Amplifier to display performance metrics associated with JIT-compiled code.

You can use the JIT Profiling API to profile such environments as dynamic JIT compilation of JavaScript code traces, JIT execution in OpenCL™ applications, Java*/.NET* managed execution environments, and custom ISV JIT engines.

The standard VTune Amplifier installation contains a static part (as a static library and source files) and a profiler object. The JIT engine generating code during runtime communicates with a profiler object through the static part. During runtime, the JIT engine reports the information about JIT-compiled code stored in a trace file by the profiler object. After collection, the VTune Amplifier uses the generated trace file to resolve the JIT-compiled code. If the VTune Amplifier is not installed, profiling is disabled.

Use the JIT Profiling API to:

JIT profiling is supported with the Launch Application target option for event based sampling.

Profiling Trace-based and Method-based JIT-compiled Code

This is the most common scenario for using JIT Profiling API to profile trace-based and method-based JIT-compiled code:

#include <jitprofiling.h>

if (iJIT_IsProfilingActive != iJIT_SAMPLING_ON) {

iJIT_Method_Load jmethod = {0};
jmethod.method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID();
jmethod.method_name = "method_name";
jmethod.class_file_name = "class_name";
jmethod.source_file_name = "source_file_name";
jmethod.method_load_address = code_addr;
jmethod.method_size = code_size;


Usage Tips

Analyzing Split Functions

You can use the JIT Profiling API to analyze split functions (multiple joint or disjoint code regions belonging to the same function) including re-JITting with potential overlapping of code regions in time, which is common in resource-limited environments.

 #include <jitprofiling.h>
 unsigned int method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID();
 iJIT_Method_Load a = {0};
 a.method_id = method_id;
 a.method_load_address = 0x100;
 a.method_size = 0x20;
 iJIT_Method_Load b = {0};
 b.method_id = method_id;
 b.method_load_address = 0x200;
 b.method_size = 0x30;

Usage Tips

Exploring Inline Functions

You can use the JIT Profiling API to explore inline functions including multi-level hierarchy of nested inline methods that shows how performance metrics are distributed through them.

#include <jitprofiling.h>

  //                                    method_id   parent_id
  //   [-- c --]                          3000        2000
  //                  [---- d -----]      2001        1000
  //  [---- b ----]                       2000        1000
  // [------------ a ----------------]    1000         n/a
iJIT_Method_Load a = {0};
a.method_id = 1000;
iJIT_Method_Inline_Load b = {0};
b.method_id = 2000;
b.parent_method_id = 1000;

iJIT_Method_Inline_Load c = {0};
c.method_id = 3000;
c.parent_method_id = 2000;

iJIT_Method_Inline_Load d = {0};
d.method_id = 2001;
d.parent_method_id = 1000;


Usage Tips

See Also