Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

MPI Application Analysis Workflow

The following figure shows basic steps required to analyze performance of MPI applications with the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier integrated into the Intel Parallel Studio Cluster Edition.

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Import collected data to VTune Amplifier GUI, or use amplxe-cl -report option to view data from CLI. Click to learn more. Install VTune Amplifier and enable the per-user collection mode, if required. Click to learn more. To enable code analysis for system and user binaries, make sure to specify search directories for module resolution. Click to learn more. Configure analysis using amplxe-cl command line or configuration file and run the collection. Click to learn more. Filter the displayed data to view MPI internals, if required. Click to learn more.


Configure VTune Amplifier installation options

To collect performance data only for the current user, enable the Per-user Hardware Event-based Sampling option during installation of the VTune Amplifier.


Configure and run MPI application analysis via amplxe-cl command line utility

Use the mpirun or mpiexec tool to run the VTune Amplifier command line interface (amplxe-cl) and collect data about an application. By default, VTune Amplifier analyzes all processes but you may filter the data collection to limit it to a subset of processes.


mpirun is a higher-level command that dispatches to mpiexec or mpiexec.hydra.

VTune Amplifier collects data, automatically finalizes data (resolves symbol information), and creates a number of result directories per compute node in the current project directory encapsulating the data for all the ranks running on the node in the same directory. For proper symbol resolution, you may need to adjust the search settings using the -search-dir option.


View collected data

Open the content of each result directory via the VTune Amplifier standalone graphical interface to analyze data for a specific process. Alternatively, you may use amplxe-cl -report option to view the collected data from the command line.


  • The file system contents should be the same on all nodes to make sure that the modules referenced in the collected data are available automatically on the host where the collection was initiated. To overcome this limitation, you can manually copy the modules for analysis from the nodes and adjust the VTune Amplifier project search directories.

  • For the VTune Amplifier, the CPU model and stepping should be the same on all nodes so that the hardware event-based sampling operates with the same Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) type on all nodes.

See Also