Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Viewing Stacks

Manage the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier view to display call stacks for user and system functions and estimate an impact of each stack on the performance metrics.

Intel VTune Amplifier provides call stack information in the Call Stack pane, Bottom-up pane, Top-down Tree, and Caller/Callee pane. You may use the following options to manage and analyze stacks in different views:

Changing Stack Layout

Manage the stack representation in the grid (Bottom-up or Top-down Tree pane) by using the / stack layout toolbar button.

The button dynamically changes according to the selected layout. For example, if the chain layout is selected for the view, the button changes to show an option to choose a tree layout, and vice versa.

Chain layouts are typically more useful for the bottom-up view:

While tree layouts are more natural for the top-down view:


Chain layout in the Top-down Tree pane is possible only if there is no branching AND when all values of data columns are the same for the parent and for the child.

Viewing Stacks per Metric

Use the drop-down menu in the Call Stack pane, to choose the stack type for the selected program unit.

For example, when a synchronization object is selected in the Locks and Waits analysis result, you can set the Call Stack pane to show the stacks where that object was created, signaled or waited for.

Viewing System Functions in the Stack

To control whether you need the system functions show up in the stacks in the grid and Call Stack pane, use the Call Stack Mode menu provided on the filter toolbar.

Viewing Source for a Stack Function

If you double-click a row in the Call Stack pane or click a function name provided as a hyperlink, the source file opens in the Source/Assembly window on the code that generated the item in the selected row.

For example, in a Locks and Waits analysis result, if you double-click the topmost item of the Wait Time (Sync Object Creation) stack, the related source file opens on the source line that created the corresponding synchronization object.

If the source code is not found, you can either locate it manually, or open the Assembly pane for this program unit.

If you select a system function, the Source/Assembly window opens the source file of the system function if it is available. If not, it shows the disassembly for the binary file containing this system function.

See Also