Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Tutorials and Samples

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier offers several tools you can use as you learn, including:

About Tutorials

VTune Amplifier XE provides several tutorials that use sample code to explain how to:

VTune Amplifier for Systems provides tutorials that provide hands-on instructions how to:

You can access the tutorials from:

About Sample Applications

VTune Amplifier ships with the following code samples:

Sample Application


tachyon_find_hotspots at


Displays a rendering of a graphical image via 2D ray tracing.

Demonstrates: Identifying hotspot functions and code lines in a C++ application.

Performance issues: wrong algorithm choice, ineffective parallelization.

Companion tutorials: Finding Hotspots (VTune Amplifier XE, VTune Amplifier for Systems), Enabling Performance Collection on an Embedded Linux System (VTune Amplifier for Systems)

tachyon_analyze_locks at


Displays a rendering of a graphical image via 2D ray tracing.

Demonstrates: Identifying locks preventing efficient parallelism in a C++ application.

Performance issues: locks and waits.

Companion tutorial: Analyzing Locks and Waits(VTune Amplifier XE, VTune Amplifier for Systems)

tachyon_vtune_amp at


Displays a rendering of a graphical image via 2D ray tracing.

Demonstrates: Identifying hotspot functions and code lines in a C++ application for an Android target.

Performance issues: ineffective parallelization.

Companion tutorial: Finding Hotspots on an Android Platform(VTune Amplifier for Systems)

matrix at


Calculates matrix transformations.

Demonstrates: Identifying general hardware issues in a C++ application on the host system and on the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor (code name: Knights Corner).

Performance issues: poor CPI rate, cache misses, retire stalls, execution stalls, and others.

Companion tutorials: Identifying Hardware Issues and Finding Hotspots on the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor (VTune Amplifier XE)

nqueens_parallel at


Solves the nqueens problem for various board sizes.

Demonstrates: Identifying general hardware issues in a Fortran application.

Performance issues: thread contention, ineffective parallelization.

Companion tutorial: Finding Hotspots (VTune Amplifier XE)

diskio at


Works with the I/O device using the system file cache and user buffer.

Demonstrates: Identifying ineffective usage of the I/O resources in a C++ application.

Performance issues: CPU usage overhead, high I/O Wait Time, big I/O Queue Depth.

Companion tutorial: Analyzing Disk Input/Output Waits

linear_regression at


Generates the summary statistics of points to give the linear approximation.

Demonstrates: Identifying false sharing and its cause in a C application.

Performance issues: false sharing.

Companion tutorial: Identifying False Sharing



Demonstrates: Using the JIT profiling API.


parallel_nqueens_csharp at


Computes the number of solutions to the nQueens problem for a given board size.

Demonstrates: Identifying hotspots in a Microsoft Visual C#* application.


Simulates electrophysiological heart activity.

Demonstrates: Identifying performance issues in hybrid OpenMP* and MPI code.

Performance issues: MPI-bound, communication issues, vector instruction sets, serial and parallel code inefficiencies.

Companion tutorial: Analyzing an OpenMP and MPI Application (VTune Amplifier XE, Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, MPI Performance Snapshot)

To install and set up the VTune Amplifier sample code:

  1. Copy the archive file from the installation directory to a writable directory or share on your system.

  2. Extract the sample from the archive.


  • VTune Amplifier sample code and corresponding tutorials are also available at

  • Samples are non-deterministic. Your screens may vary from the screen shots shown throughout these tutorials.

  • Samples are designed only to illustrate the VTune Amplifier features and do not represent best practices for tuning any particular code. Results may vary depending on the nature of the analysis and the code to which it is applied.

See Also