Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Introducing the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier

Intel VTune Amplifier is a performance analysis tool for users developing serial and multithreaded applications. VTune Amplifier helps you analyze the algorithm choices and identify where and how your application can benefit from available hardware resources.

Use the VTune Amplifier to locate or determine the following:

VTune Amplifier can be installed on Windows*, macOS*, and Linux* platforms and used for analysis of local and remote target systems.

On Windows systems, VTune Amplifier integrates into Microsoft Visual Studio* software and is also available as a standalone GUI client. On Linux and macOS systems, VTune Amplifier works exclusively as a standalone GUI client. On macOS, you can set up your project, run remote analysis, and view the data collection result on the host. Local macOS analysis is not supported. On all supported systems, you can use the command line interface (amplxe-cl) for collecting data and performing regression testing.

VTune Amplifier is delivered as one of the following product versions:

Both versions of VTune Amplifier include Intel® Performance Snapshot (preview), a basic tool that provides a simple view into storage, application, and MPI application performance improvement opportunities.

Intel VTune Amplifier XE

Intel VTune Amplifier Performance Profiler is available as part of the Intel Parallel Studio XE and as a standalone product. It is targeted for performance analysis of Windows and Linux applications, including OpenMP*, MPI applications, native and offload applications running on Intel Xeon Phi™ coprocessor.

The default installation path for the VTune Amplifier XE is /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_version.

On macOS* systems, the default <install_dir> is /Applications/Intel VTune Amplifier XE <version>.app.

Intel VTune Amplifier for Systems

Intel VTune Amplifier for Systems is available as part of the Intel System Studio and targeted for performance and power analysis on Android, Wind River* Linux, Yocto* Linux, Tizen* platforms, or a customized Linux OS for embedded IoT or mobile devices.

VTune Amplifier for Systems introduces the following types of analysis:

VTune Amplifier for Systems can be also accessed from the Eclipse* development environment on Linux and Windows systems.

The default installation path for the VTune Amplifier for Systems is:

On macOS* systems, the default <install_dir> is /Applications/Intel VTune Amplifier <version> for

Key Features

This table summarizes availability of the key VTune Amplifier XE and VTune Amplifier for Systems types of analysis per host and remote target platform:


VTune Amplifier XE

VTune Amplifier for Systems



















Energy analysis







Remote analysis











IDE (Eclipse*/Visual Studio*)







Algorithm analysis









HPC Performance Characterization analysis









Microarchitecture analysis











Memory Access analysis









Disk I/O analysis









System Overview analysis







Custom analysis











GPU analysis






OpenCL™ kernel analysis




Intel Media SDK program analysis




Java* code analysis










.NET* code Analysis





Python* code analysis









Go* application analysis



OpenMP* analysis









MPI analysis









Intel Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor analysis





KVM Guest OS analysis






Ftrace* events analysis






Atrace* events analysis




¹Basic Hotspots only; ²Intel HD Graphics and Intel Iris™ Graphics only; ³EBS analysis only

VTune Amplifier provides features that facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the results:


Because the VTune Amplifier requires specific knowledge of assembly-level instructions, its analysis may not operate correctly if a program (target) is compiled to generate non-Intel architecture instructions. In this case, run the analysis with a target executable compiled to generate only Intel instructions. After you finish using the VTune Amplifier, you can use optimizing compiler options that generate non-Intel architecture instructions.

Intel Performance Snapshot (Preview)

Intel Performance Snapshot provides three quick ways to view performance optimization opportunities.


This is a PREVIEW FEATURE. A preview feature may or may not appear in a future production release. It is available for your use in the hopes that you will provide feedback on its usefulness and help determine its future. Data collected with a preview feature is not guaranteed to be backward compatible with future releases. Please send your feedback to for VTune Amplifier XE andto for VTune Amplifier for Systems.

See Also