Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier for Systems Help

Custom Analysis

Use the Custom Analysis configuration to create a new analysis type based on any of the available collection types.

To create and run a new custom analysis type:

Prerequisites: Make sure a VTune Amplifier project is created and an analysis target is specified.

  1. Click the New Analysis button on the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier toolbar.

    The New Amplifier Result tab opens with the Analysis Type window active.

  2. In the Analysis Type window, do the following:

    To Do This Do This

    Create a new custom analysis type

    Choose any of the following options:

    • Click the Create New Analysis Type button on the Analysis Type toolbar and select one of the following analysis types from the drop-down list:

      • New Hardware Event-based Sampling Analysis

      • New User-mode Sampling and Tracing Analysis

    • Right-click the Custom Analysis entry in the analysis tree and use the pop-up menu to select the required analysis type.

    Edit an existing custom analysis type

    Select the Custom Analysis > <Analysis_Type> entry in the analysis tree pane and click the Edit Analysis Type button on the Analysis Type toolbar or click the Edit button on the static Custom Analysis pane.

    Modify an existing predefined analysis type

    Choose any of the following options:

    • Select the required predefined analysis type in the analysis tree and click the Create New Analysis Based on Selected button.

    • Right-click the required predefined analysis type entry in the analysis tree and select the Copy from Current pop-up menu option.

    • Select the required predefined analysis type in the analysis tree and click the Copy button in the right corner of the configuration pane.

    VTune Amplifier opens the Custom Analysis configuration pane for the selected analysis type in the editable mode.

  3. Edit the configuration options on the pane and click the Start button on the command toolbar to start the analysis.

See Also